Form An Opinion On Who Will Form Government At Ecogen 2010

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3rd September 2010, 02:12pm - Views: 944

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Form an opinion on who will form Government at EcoGen 2010

One of the key issues surrounding the outcome of the Federal Election – climate change and clean

energy – will come under the microscope at EcoGen 2010, taking place in Sydney next week.


Given the current political climate, EcoGen 2010, being staged over September 5–8 at the Sydney

Convention and Exhibition Centre, is perfectly placed to provide delegates with the inside story on

what the major political parties stand for when it comes to climate change and clean energy – and

what we can expect to see when Federal Government is formed.


In what will also prove to be a particularly timely presentation, Alternative Technology Association

CEO Ian Porter will provide a post-Federal election briefing, analysing the renewable energy policies

of the major parties and reflecting on the various minority governments that may be formed – and

what these will mean for the clean energy sector.


Ian will also reflect on the role independent MPs, and the clean energy policies they support, will

play over the next three years.


Christine Milne, deputy leader of the Greens, will deliver a keynote address, promising to offer an

intriguing insight into the current state of parliament, and the impact this will have for the clean

energy industry.


Christine will discuss the Green’s vision for 100 per cent renewable energy in Australia and outline

the policies they have developed to make this a reality. Christine says her address will call on the

industry to unify and mobilise for the best possible outcome for the clean energy industry – and our



Greg Hunt, currently the Federal Shadow Minister for Climate Action, will also share his unique

perspective on clean energy and the political landscape, outlining the clean energy policies a

Coalition government would put into place if it forms government.


Western Australian Sustainable Energy Association CEO Ray Wills will also address the conference,

and plans to issue a call to action to government to start taking advantage of our renewable energy



Ray describes Australia as the ‘Middle East of Renewable Energy’, thanks to our bountiful supplies of

sun, wind and waves – but these resources are going to waste due to lack of action and investment

in clean energy technologies.


EcoGen 2010 will take place from September 5–8 at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre.


The Clean Energy Awards, to be presented at the EcoGen 2010 Gala Dinner on Tuesday 7 September,

will recognise excellence, innovation and outstanding achievement in Australia’s clean energy



Journalists from registered news organisations can attend the event free of charge. To register your

interest in attending please contact conference organisers Great Southern Press on 03 9248 5134


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