Environmental Assessment On Display For Holbrook Bypass 1

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6th November 2009, 06:42pm - Views: 951

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      6 NOVEMBER 2009



Local residents will have the opportunity to view and discuss the proposed Hume

Highway upgrade at Holbrook at the display of the Environmental Assessment. 

An RTA spokesperson said the environmental assessment of the Holbrook bypass is on

display from 11 November until Monday 14 December 2009.

“The environmental assessment outlines the proposal, its potential impacts and the

proposed environmental measures that will be in place.


“Generally, the assessment focuses on the key issues identified by the Department of

Planning and other agencies including potential social, economic and environmental

impacts of the bypass. 

“Following the display of the environmental assessment, the proposal will be assessed by

the NSW Department of Planning and considered for approval by the NSW Minister for


“The Holbrook bypass will be around 10 kilometres to the west of the town, joining up

with the four lane highway to the north and south of the town.

“It will provide numerous benefits to the local community by removing heavy trucks from

the town and improve driving conditions for motorists,” the spokesperson said.

Information on the environmental assessment for the Holbrook bypass project is

available at:

Holbrook Local Library, Library Crescent, Holbrook

(Tuesday, 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 5.30pm, Wednesday and Thursday, 2pm to 5.30pm,

Friday, 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5.30pm, Saturday, 9.30am to 12.30pm)

Greater Hume Shire Council Offices, 39 Young Street, Holbrook

(Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm)  

NSW Department of Planning Information Centre, 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney

(Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)

Nature Conservation Council of NSW, Level 2, 301 Kent Street, Sydney

(Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)

A staffed display will be available on Monday 14 December 2009 from 4pm to 7pm at the

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Holbrook Community Technology Centre where members of the project team will be

available to discuss the environmental assessment in detail.

information line on 1800 755 767.

Planning for the Holbrook Bypass is funded by the Federal Government.


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