Efforts To Encourage Recycling In Victoria A Welcome Step

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24th March 2010, 03:57pm - Views: 1106
Efforts to Encourage Resource Recycling a Welcome Step

The Victorian Government's plans to encourage even greater resource recycling announced today have been described as a 'step in the right direction' by Australia's largest construction and demolition materials recycler, the Alex Fraser Group.

The group's Chief Operating Officer Peter Murphy said the increase in landfill levy for industrial waste announced by the Minister is an important step in diverting useful resources like concrete and brick away from landfill and into recycling facilities.

"We have proven that from these resources we can produce high quality materials for road making. This has been well demonstrated over 20 years and includes some of the state's largest road projects," he said.

"If we can keep the material out of landfill and make it available for recycling, we can build our road network, everything from local streets to major projects such as Peninsula Link, from recycled materials."

"This would reduce the carbon footprint and the long-term cost of road construction in Victoria."

Media contact:
Clare Siddins
Alex Fraser Group
(03) 9371 8125
0439 565 811

Fast Facts

1. The Alex Fraser Group was established in Melbourne in 1879 and it is one of the oldest companies in Australia.

2. The Alex Fraser Group pioneered the concrete recycling industry in Australia in the 1980s.

3. The Alex Fraser Group now operates from six key recycling sites in Melbourne and Brisbane and employs approximately 200 people.

4. The Alex Fraser Group has an annual recycling capacity of four million tonnes a year.

5. In 2009 the Alex Fraser Group commissioned two new recycling facilities in Melbourne including the $45 million Western Metropolitan Recycling Facility in Laverton North one of the most advanced recycling facilities of its kind in the world.

6. In 2008 the company recycled in 20 millionth tonne of construction and demolition material. This milestone took 20 years. The company aims to double this amount by 2014.

For more information please visit: www.alexfraser.com.au or contact Clare Siddins (Group Manager of Communications) (03) 9371 8125.

SOURCE: The Alex Fraser Group

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