Do The Bokashi And Help Save The Planet

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17th June 2008, 05:58pm - Views: 982

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Do the Bokashi – And Help Save The Planet

Do you Bokashi? Thousands of Australians are learning to.

And if Maree O’Malley has her way, every household in Australia will be doing the Bokashi in

their kitchens, on their balconies and in their gardens.

No, it’s not the latest exotic dance … but there are a few simple steps involved.

Bokashi kitchen composting is the most effective way of composting kitchen food waste - in a specially

designed air-tight bucket, ideal for people with limited space.  

Maree has turned a passion for the environment into a growing business with 22 outlets across Australia.

They include Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Cairns, Canberra, Hobart, Bundaberg, Wodonga,

Armidale and Murwillumbah.

Now councils around the country are now considering making them available to local ratepayers.

“Kiama Council, on the NSW South Coast, has bought 200 of them,” Maree explained. “You can put fresh

and vegetables and fruit, including citrus, prepared foods, cooked and uncooked meats and fish and other

foods like eggs, bread and tea bags. 

Bokashi Composting Australia’s brand of Bokashi mixes wheat bran and rice husks with a group of Micro-

Organisms call Effective Micro-Organisms (EM),” Maree explained.  The wheat bran and rice husks are a

carrier and food source for the microbes; the microbes are the essential part of this composting system.  

Sprinkling the Bokashi on top of the waste will ensure a successful fermentation and reduce smells.  

When The Bokashi Bucket is full (3-4 weeks) the waste is buried directly into the garden.  Due to the

fermentation process and the micro-organisms mixed in, the waste breaks down extremely quickly once

buried in the soil.   The soil also benefits tremendously from the micro-organisms. 

An additional bonus is the Bokashi Juice.  This is a liquid that drains to the bottom of The Bokashi Bucket.

Diluted with water The Bokashi Juice makes a terrific fertiliser for gardens or pot plants.  The

concentrated Bokashi Juice can be poured directly into kitchen and bathroom drains, the micro-organisms

will help prevent algae build-up and control odours.  

“The Bokashi Bucket is changing the way homeowners can deal with their food and help the environment.

Approximately 60% of household rubbish that ends in land fill could have been composted,” Maree


Contact Maree O’Malley – +61 2 9591 1699. Website Address –  + Photos available.

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