Dispersants Effective On Oil Spill

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24th August 2009, 06:47pm - Views: 737

Conservation Environment Australian Maritime Safety Authority 1 image

24 August 2009



The oil slick from the West Atlas off the Western Australian coast has responded positively to the use of


Yesterday the Hercules aircraft flew two sorties that applied dispersant from the Darwin stockpile to the

oil slick from the West Atlas.  AMSA’s Darwin based Dornier aircraft provided top cover for the Hercules

and was able to report visually, that the applications had appeared successful and the oil could be seen

to disperse in the water. 

The Dornier flew again this morning and observations confirm the slick has remained in the vicinity of the

West Atlas.

The Hercules aircraft applied dispersant to the oil slick again today, and again observations confirmed

effective dispersion.  

PTTEP has indicated that it will be weeks before the leak can be stopped.  Under National Plan

arrangements AMSA is well prepared for a protracted clean-up operation and has mobilised personnel

and resources including aircraft and stocks of dispersant to cope with the lengthy response.

AMSA continues to liaise with both Federal and State agencies, including environmental specialists with

regard to the ongoing clean-up operation.

Operations will continue and planning for activity will be done on a day by day basis. 

The priority for AMSA remains to get oil off the water as quickly as possible to mitigate any risk to the


Media inquiries: Tracey Jiggins  0418164901

* Please note: Any photographs or vision that become available will be posted on the website for access.

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