Declining Support For An Emissions Trading Scheme

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19th January 2010, 08:00am - Views: 807

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Media Release



An on-going survey of attitudes by Roy Morgan Research shows a continuing downward trend in

support for global warming theory and an Emissions Trading Scheme [ETS] in Australia.

The latest survey released last week shows fewer than half of those surveyed support an ETS only 46

percent of people support its introduction, down from 55 percent only three months ago.

This finding coincides with an increasing scepticism about global warming concepts, with 31 percent

of respondents saying “Global warming concerns are exaggerated”, compared with only 13 percent

who had this view three years ago.

The report did show that just over half, 54 percent of respondents, thought “If we do not act now it will

be too late”, but this number had fallen from an earlier 67 percent.

“The lack of direct observational evidence of man-made warming driven by carbon dioxide is

becoming clearer to ordinary Australians” said Alex Stuart, chairman of the Australian



“This and a number of other polls show a continuing and increasing scepticism amongst the

Australian people over claims of an impending global warming catastrophe.  They reflect a trend

already apparent in the United States and the United Kingdom, where a majority of people simply no

longer believe the projections of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC].”

Reports earlier this week showed IPCC relied on a prominently-featured prediction in 2005 on a World

Wide Fund for Nature report that Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035.  It turns out the WWF

report was based on a speculative comment over the telephone by an Indian glaciologist who had not

conducted any research to back his claims – not on peer-reviewed published research as required. 

“AEF has been opposed to the ETS from its inception on the basis it would have no effect whatever

on the climate, or on temperature, or the environment, nor would it provide a foundation for a much -

needed policy on real issues of climate.”

“Now the majority of Australians oppose the Rudd government’s response to climate change.  It’s time

to think again Mr Rudd” said Mr Stuart.



Roy Morgan poll

Online Petition

AEF Chairman, Alex Stuart 0448 807178

AEF Executive Director: Max Rheese 0428 621320

The AEF is a different kind of environment group, caring for both Australia & Australians.  For

January 19th 2010

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