Compromise On Energy Efficiency Disclosure Bill Welcomed

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22nd June 2010, 05:10pm - Views: 1057
Compromise on Energy Efficiency Disclosure Bill welcomed

The Property Council today reaffirmed its support for the objectives of the Government's Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Bill 2010 and its commitment to transparent reporting on the environmental performance of buildings.

"The Property Council welcomes the changes to the Bill and believes that it will provide a clear direction for building owners", says Peter Verwer, Chief Executive of the Property Council.

The Property Council has engaged constructively with the Government and the
Opposition to ensure the bill is workable and effective, although closer monitoring and review of the scheme will be essential.

Mr Verwer says: "We welcome the agreement to extend the transition period and changes to the proposed punishing penalty regime."

"We also welcome the Government's commitment to review the legislation, before it is expanded, to ensure that it is operating efficiently and effectively."

"The Government has committed to the Opposition and the Property Council that building owners won't be penalised due to bureaucratic delays."

"It has also promised to delay the use of the lighting tool and consult further before it is finalised."

"In the coming weeks several critical technical issues will be clarified, including the definition of office space and the treatment of new buildings, which are subject to further industry discussions".

The Property Council acknowledges that mandatory disclosure is an important energy efficiency measure supported by both the Government and Coalition.

"The changes mean a more workable and effective set of rules to guide disclosure and gives the industry a firm basis for moving forward," says Mr Verwer.

The Property Council urges the Opposition, Greens and Independents to pass the
amended Bill.

For more information:
Peter Verwer,
Chief Executive
0407 463 842

SOURCE: Property Council of Australia
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