Community Promotes New Local Online Garage Sale With Free Bumper Magnets

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25th August 2010, 01:30pm - Views: 950

Conservation Environment Echoadelaide Classifieds Pty. Ltd. 1 image


New local online garage sale

Thrifty Adelaide individuals are buying and selling used stuff online

Community promotes site with free bumper magnets

ADELAIDE, S.A. - Newly-launched, a unique local online garage

sale, is a growing community of thrifty Adelaide individuals buying and selling used stuff

over the internet.  Using, people interested in selling secondhand

goods can now more easily connect with local buyers. 

To promote its launch,

is offering free bumper magnets to

Adelaide residents.  A bumper magnet

is similar to a bumper sticker

except easily

removable.  Magnets can be requested by visiting

has been started by Jeff Erdman, a 25-year old garage sale

enthusiast living in Kurralta Park, as a means to encourage a regional reuse of goods and

divert reusable items from the landfill.  Jeff studied at the University of South Australia. 

“The support from the community so far has been amazing.  We’ve only been giving out

bumper magnets for one week and I’ve already spotted a few on the road,” he says.

Currently the

site has just over 500 used items listed for sale at

any given time.  Further goods are being added on a daily basis.  The service is 100% free

to use with no pesky ‘add-on’ sales pitches.

relies on banner

advertisements for revenue.  For buyers and sellers in Adelaide looking for a rent-free

way to open up shop and clear out some

family “gems,” there’s no better solution than’s virtual garage sale.


Release date: 25 August 2010

ecohoadelaide mediaroom:

For pictures or more information, please contact:

Jeff Erdman, Tel: (08) 7200 0111 Fax: (08) 7120 2813


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