Community Groups Unify For Key Target At Copenhagen Climate Talks

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14th October 2009, 02:00pm - Views: 1025

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Media Advisory: 14 October, 2009

Community groups unify for key target at Copenhagen climate talks

Community, union and environment groups will come together on Friday to call on the

Federal Government to push for a global greenhouse emissions target of 350 parts per

million or less at United Nations climate change talks in Copenhagen in December.

More than 10 leading organisations will take part in a press conference at the Sydney

Opera House and will be supported by volunteers who will form the all important

numbers 350 on the steps of the Opera House.

A global day of action on climate change will take place on the 24th

of October, including

events on Sydney Harbour, Bondi Beach and across Australia. For more information,


Press conference with more than 10 leading Australian organisations

including, the Australian Conservation Foundation, Greenpeace,

GetUp and the Australian Youth Climate Coalition.


1:30pm, Friday, 16 October 2009


Sydney Opera House – Western Foyer (outside the Drama Theatre on the

ground level)

Photo call: Immediately after the brief press conference, a photo opportunity will

be available   with all participating speakers and a human ‘350’ on the steps of the

Sydney Opera House.


Blair Palese, CEO, Australia

M: 0414 659 511, E:

About is an international climate change campaign calling for a strong global climate

change treaty. According to leading scientists, 350 ppm is the safe upper limit for

greenhouse gases in our atmosphere in order to avoid runaway climate change. We are

now at 387 ppm. is organising a global day of climate action on 24 October with

more than 160 events around Australia, including a flagship event on the steps of the

Sydney Opera House at 2 pm, and more than 2,000 events in 150 countries worldwide.

24 OCTOBER 2009 


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