Changes To Insulation Rebate Benefits Householders

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2nd November 2009, 04:27pm - Views: 963

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2 November 2009

The Green Project is managed by  Enact Energy Pty Ltd 

Suite 407, 15 Lime St

Sydney  NSW  2000

T: 1800 442 443

Changes to insulation rebate benefits householders 

Enact Energy has welcomed the announced changes to the Federal Government’s Home Energy Efficiency program as a positive

outcome for householders.

New changes to the Federal Government’s Home Energy Efficiency program will increase the quality of providers, value for

money and transparency for the consumer, according to Danny Morgan, Managing Director of Enact Energy, one of Australia’s

leading insulation installers.

“This has been an excellent program delivering energy efficiency improvements to householders, but there is no doubt that

standards of service have been variable. These increased checks and balances are no problem for reputable providers such as

Enact Energy’s Green Project.” 

“While in larger homes, some incremental costs may have to be borne by the homeowner, the average family should still receive

free or very low cost insulation. Homeowners should not forget that any additional expense will be recovered through energy

savings, so insulating now is still a cost effective long term investment for improving the comfort of your home.” Morgan said.

“It is important for householders to choose reputable installers with certified products. Insulation stays in your roof for the life of

your home and you get what you pay for. It is vital that installations are professionally done, the safety of Australian families is

too important to cut corners on installation quality.” 

“We recommend householders ask for proof that the product meets Australian Performance Standards and comes with life time

warranties on the safety and performance of the product. This should include the insulation being fire safe and noncombustible to

the Australian Standard.

“Consumers should also look for reliable installers who include random follow-up inspections of installations and provide quality

assurance on all installations. This will help homeowners feel sure they are getting the best and most reliable product available for

the price,” Mr Morgan said.

Through its national Green Project Enact Energy also offers a comprehensive home energy efficiency service

including a


information service, free home energy audits and promotes subsidised solar hot water systems and heat pumps, changes to energy

efficient light bulbs and water efficient shower heads.

Mr Morgan said, “If homeowners are unsure about what product to install,

they can call the national Green Project hotline on

1800 442 443.

“The Green Project was set up by Enact Energy as an additional service to the Federal and State Governments’ drive for more

energy efficient lifestyles.

“This unique program takes the worry out of finding a provider for home energy efficiency products including insulation.  The

Green Project brings it all together; ensuring

that the

right products available under various government rebate schemes


installed to a high standard,” Mr Morgan said.

More information about the national Green Project is available on website:

Media information: Glenn Schaube GRS Communications 0439 320151

About Enact Energy and the Green Project

Enact Energy is a multi award-winning company and provider of energy efficiency services across Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Ireland. 

In Australia, Enact manages the Green Project. Enact is passionate about making real changes in the way in which households consume energy

and water and has generated savings in over 350,000 households, creating a lifetime of CO² savings of over 10 million tonnes to date.

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