Burn Report Disputes Ministers Claim

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4th November 2009, 04:36pm - Views: 775

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Media Release



A report to be released tomorrow shows claims by the Environment Minister, Gavin Jennings that only 12

habitat trees were destroyed in a prescribed burn in the Barmah forest are false.

The report, written by prominent forest ecologist Professor Peter Attiwill AM shows that 80 red gum trees

were destroyed by the 25 hectare burn and the report provides the GPS locations of those trees.

The report also highlights copious growth of noxious weeds at the burn site, which remain unmanaged,

further degrading conservation values.

In a letter to local parliamentarian Paul Weller, the minister refused to conduct an independent ecological

audit of the burn which occurred on October 16th 2008 saying he was satisfied the burn was conducted

appropriately, despite damage to a large number of trees in a known superb parrot nesting site.

The Rivers and Red Gum Environment Alliance had presented a 23 page report to the minister last

December damning the timing and conduct of the burn that produced such a poor outcome for the forest


“When the extent of the environmental damage became clear we asked for an independent assessment

to help improve future management practices” said Peter Newman, chairman of the Rivers and Red Gum

Environment Alliance.  

“It was clear to us that near surface fuel should have been reduced via controlled cattle grazing prior to

the prescribed burn and that the burn should have been carried out in autumn. No habitat trees had been

destroyed at Browns Camp in 150 years of white settlement until this burn that saw 80 trees destroyed.

When the minister denied the extent of damage, saying only 12 trees had fallen, we challenged him to

come and count the dead trees and we offered $10,000 to charity if he proved our claims wrong, but he

declined.  The offer is still open” concluded Mr Newman.

Legislation that will create a new national park encompassing the burn site is due to be debated in state

parliament next week.

Deputy Leader of the Nationals Peter Walsh and local member of parliament Paul Weller will release the

report at 10am Thursday 5th at Browns Camp in Barmah State Park.



Media Contact: Max Rheese 0428 621320.        info@rrgea.org

The Rivers & Red Gum Environment Alliance is a not-for-profit community and user group based

environment organisation having no political affiliation.  A viable solution to the land and water

management challenges facing the red gum forests along the Murray River and its major tributaries is

paramount for the environment as well as the communities along the rivers.   For more information about

November 4th 2009 

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