Brisbane walkagainstwarming 10.00 am Saturday 12 December King George Square
Media Organisations are invited to attend a media conference with WAW Organisers at
9.00 am in King George Square
Speakers include:
Dr Young-Woo Park (UNEP Regional Director -Asia Pacific)
Toby Hutcheon (Executive Director, Queensland Conservation)
Gillian Marshall (Make Poverty History)
Colman Ridge (Greenfest)
Wanita Limpus (Kiribati Australia Association)
Ayla Curtis (SES Extreme Weather Heroes)
For More Information: Toby Hutcheon 3221 0188
Seal the Deal
The thousands of Brisbane residents at the event-representing every inhabited
continent on the planet-will vote to Seal the Deal. Our vote will be transmitted to
The Brisbane Walkagainstwarming deal is for a safe climate, a 350 target and an
international fund for adaptation for climate-impacted developing nations
For more information go to: