Brisbane Walkagainstwarming

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9th December 2009, 06:56pm - Views: 846

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Brisbane Walkagainstwarming 10.00 am Saturday 12 December King George Square

Media Organisations are invited to attend a media conference with WAW Organisers at

9.00 am in King George Square

Speakers include:

Dr Young-Woo Park (UNEP Regional Director -Asia Pacific)

Toby Hutcheon (Executive Director, Queensland Conservation)

Gillian Marshall (Make Poverty History)

Colman Ridge (Greenfest)

Wanita Limpus (Kiribati Australia Association)

Ayla Curtis (SES Extreme Weather Heroes)

For More Information: Toby Hutcheon 3221 0188

Walk Against Warming 2009 Programme

10:00 Welcome to country 

10:10 Toby Hutcheon Queensland Conservation Council

10:20 Dr Park Young-Woo UNEP Director Asia Pacific  

10:30 Message from Prof Ian Lowe in Copenhagen 

10:35 Walk Against Warming 

12:00 Speaker:  Wanita Limpus, impact on Pacific Islands 

12:10 Music: The Red Paintings  

13:00 Speaker:  Drew Dellinger – Poets for Global Justice 

13:10 Music: Passenger 

14:00 Gillian Marshall, Make Poverty History, climate change impact on Third World 

14:10 Music: Katie Noonan & the Captains 

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15:00 Speaker: Tarquin Moon –  The Wilderness Society, Cape York and Climate Change 

15:10  Black Market Rhythm Co 

16:00 Speaker:  Alya Curtis, Extreme Weather Heroes, extreme weather events impact on Brisbane 

16:10 Marshall & the Fro 

17:00 Speaker:  Graham Readfearn, Courier Mail Greenblog review of Walk Against Warming 

17:10 Dallas Frasca


For more information go to: 

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