Basin Plan Sets Out A Sustainable Future

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8th October 2010, 07:17pm - Views: 946

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Queensland Conservation 166 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000 

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8th October 2010

For immediate release

        Basin Plan sets out a sustainable future

The Queensland Conservation Council (QCC) has welcomed today’s release of the guide to the

Murray-Darling Basin Plan, saying it presents a once in a life time opportunity to set a course to a

sustainable future for the Basin’s environment, industries and people. 

“The simple truth is that too much water has been taken out of the Murray Darling river systems for far

too long, which is the main cause of environmental degradation throughout the Basin”, said Nigel

Parratt from Queensland Conservation.  

Data from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority shows that water extraction from the Basin’s rivers has

increased by 500 per cent in less than a century. This is clearly not sustainable and shows how the

Basin has been managed up until now hasn’t worked.

“What is needed is a national plan that ensures the whole Murray-Darling Basin is managed

responsibly to restore the balance between water that is extracted for irrigation and other purposes and

the needs of the environment”, Parratt continued. 

Continuing to take excessive amounts of water out of rivers may benefit some businesses in the short-

term, but healthy rivers are needed to support communities, agriculture and tourism for the long-term.

“While it might cause some short term anguish, rectifying the overuse of the Basins water resources is

absolutely necessary to give the environment and people who rely on rivers in the Murray Darling Basin

hope of achieving a sustainable future”, concluded Parratt.

Media enquiries:

Nigel Parratt 

QCC spokesperson 

Mobile: 0407 962 652

Media Release

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