Aust Conservation Councils To Meet With Kevin Rudd Today

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16th December 2009, 02:22pm - Views: 808

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Queensland Conservation 166 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000 

ABN: 89 717 887 219

Ph: 07 3221 0188    

Fax: 07 3229 7992       

For Immediate Release                                                                          16 December 2009

Australian Conservation Councils to meet Kevin Rudd Today

The message from Australians sent to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in Copenhagen today is clear: ‘Bring back a

fair, ambitious and legally binding climate change treaty from Copenhagen’.

Last weekend 90,000 Australians took part in the Walkagainstwarming – the biggest day of climate action

Australia has ever seen. 

‘Over 90,000 participants in Walkagainstwarming

were very clear about their message to Kevin Rudd on

Saturday. We want him to come home with a binding agreement for a safe climate targeting 350 and an

established international Adaptation Fund to assist affected developing nations,’ said Toby Hutcheon,

Executive Director of Queensland Conservation

Today, messages from participants in the event will be handed directly to Kevin Rudd before his keynote

address at the UN Climate Negotiations.

Piers Verstegen, Director of the Conservation Council Western Australia is representing the Conservation

Councils of Australia and their members at the Copenhagen climate negotiations. Mr Verstegen will hand the

Prime Minister photographs of the Walkagainstwarming events in Australia and messages from participants

at a breakfast meeting.

“Australia is the largest coal exporter in the world, and has close to the highest greenhouse emissions per

capita in the world. This means Australia has a particular responsibility to take a leadership position at


“Despite what the federal opposition is saying, Australians are expecting Kevin Rudd to bring back a fair,

ambitious and legally binding treaty that will stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at

350 parts per million (ppm) or less.”

“At present, the commitments that have been put on the table by countries including Australia fall well short

of what we know is required.”

MEDIA CONTACT: Piers Verstegen (in Copenhagen) +61 411 557 892

Toby Hutcheon Queensland Conservation (in Australia) 07- 3221 0188/0419 664 503

Photographs of the Walkagainstwarming in each state, and the handover with the Prime Minister are


The Conservation Councils of Australia are:  Conservation Council Western Australia, Queensland

Conservation Council, Nature Conservation Council of NSW, Environment Tasmania, Environment

Centre Northern Territory, Conservation Council of South Australia and Environment Victoria.

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