Alcoa Helps Australians Make An Impact On Climate Change

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5th June 2009, 05:31pm - Views: 685
Media Release

Alcoa Helps Australians 'Make an Impact' on Climate Change

All Australians looking to become part of the solution to climate change have been given a helping hand, thanks to a new website from Alcoa of Australia.

Launched today, Alcoa's new 'Make an Impact' website includes a range of carbon reduction tips which help individuals to reduce their greenhouse footprint at home, while on the move, at the shops, in the garden and at work.

Featuring discussion about the impact of climate change worldwide, and facts about Australia's greenhouse footprint, the website is also set to become a useful resource for school students.

The new website forms part of Alcoa's wider 'Make an Impact' program which was devised by Alcoa of Australia and long-time sustainability partner Greening Australia in 2006. Currently more than 1000

Alcoa employees are part of Make an Impact, making simple and practical changes around their homes to reduce their household water and energy use.

Alcoa of Australia Managing Director, Alan Cransberg, said that as a business Alcoa was reducing greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency, productivity improvements and new technology.

"We are seeking long term solutions to these global problems and we continue to move beyond the work gates and out into the community to do so," he said.

"Make an Impact has changed my behaviour and spread to every level of our organisation.

"We're committed to playing a role in changing the way people think in our carbon constrained world."

While the online Make an Impact calculator is only available to Alcoans and their families at this stage, plans are underway to make the calculator available to the wider community in the near future.

Media contact:
Sarah Tempest
0404 800 417

To visit the Make an Impact website, go to

SOURCE: Alcoa of Australia

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