21st Century Urban Sustainable Development In Dijon, France

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13th October 2009, 01:16pm - Views: 707

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21st Century Urban Sustainable Development in Dijon, France

DIJON, Oct. 7/ PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


    - Dijon Reaffirms its Desire to Become a Reference for Ecological Urban


    Communities influence and impact up to 50% of greenhouse gas

emissions through urban or rural planning policies, transportation and other

public measures. Because of this, communities have a heavy responsibility to

act on environmental issues and increase citizens' awareness. Through its

ecological urban policy, the city of Dijon, France, aims to create the best

conditions for regional development while promoting social cohesion in

harmony with the environment.

    Burgundy's capital commits to the environment

    Dijon is committed to environmental improvement on all levels. 

The city has set an objective for carbon balance by 2010 and is following 

a regional energy climate plan called PCET (plan climat énergie 

territorial), designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It

has also applied for the European City'ergie label 2010.

    With the objective to preserve its rich cultural heritage, protect

its surroundings and improve the quality of life of its citizens, le 

Grand Dijon (Dijon and its surrounding region) in collaboration with key 

actors in the region (citizens, associations, companies, institutions 

and members of parliament), put forth an environmental Charter in 2004. 

This Charter encompasses four major themes:


    Dijon is investing in alternative public

transportation modes and several projects are underway including:

construction of a tramway with two lines planned for 2013, usage of natural

gas in buses, free electric shuttles in the city centre, free bike system,

development of bike lanes, increasing car-free areas in the city centre,

investing in Dijon becoming a central connection city for the TGV network by

constructing three branches of the future LGV Rhin-Rhône high-speed railway


    Dijon's ecology friendly transportation

initiatives have received recognition on a national level and, at end of

2008, le Grand Dijon was granted the Ticket vert (Green ticket) by the FNAUT

(Fédération Nationale d'Associations d'Usagers des Transports), the French

consumer association specialised in public transportation.


    The city of Dijon is systematically

supporting ecological urban construction solutions that comply with

sustainable development standards such as the French Haute Qualité

Environnementale (High Environmental Quality) standard for green building,

Conservation Environment Dijon 3 image

and the Bâtiment de basse consommation énergétique (Building of low energy

consumption) standard. The city is also promoting its eco-districts such as

those of Junot, Hyacinthe Vincent and the "Grand Sud".

    In addition, a local urbanism plan, écoPLU,

will integrate different environmental projects and support construction with

positive energy. The Elithis Tower, the first positive energy office building

in the world, located in Dijon, exemplifies the type of eco-urban development

the Dijon is committed to supporting.

    Water purification

    Since 2004, le Grand Dijon has been leading

a meticulous water programme called "Eauvitale" that includes: constructing

two new purification centres that considerably reduce pollution, renovating

Dijon-Longvic purification centre's incinerator according to regulatory

norms, increasing water usage consciousness, pushing for tap water


    Dijon participates in a competitive cluster

of VITAGORA Goût Nutrition Santé (taste, nutrition, health) with the

objective to improve the taste of water to increase tap water consumption.

    Recycling and waste management

    Dijon aims to optimise waste management

through several actions: generalising selective waste collecting, creating a

domestic waste sorting centre designed to sort materials (wrappings and

papers) and sending this waste to specialised recycling centres, opening a

special unit for potentially infectious waste, renovating factory

incinerators according to European regulatory norms, installing a turbo

alternator which converts energy produced with combustible waste into

alternative energy.

    Real determination for sustainable development

    At a time when sustainable development becomes a necessity, Dijon and 

its region are truly devoted to prioritising environmental issues. This is 

reflected in the level of investment dedicated to protecting natural 

resources; since 2002, the city has invested almost 100 million euro in 

the environmental domain (investment in the tramway not included).

    François REBSAMEN, Senator and Mayor of Dijon and president of

le Grand Dijon commented during the inauguration of the Elithis Tower:

"Sustainable development has to be a priority for all of us. It cannot be

considered a matter of a central decision level only. It must be reinforced

at all levels. I want us all, together, to make new forms of energy available

and to follow the example of the Elithis Tower to make of our city one of the

most symbolic examples of sustainable development."

    For further information, please contact the press department below:



    Johanna Toiviainen



    SOURCE: Dijon

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