2010 Duck Hunting Season

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30th December 2009, 01:10pm - Views: 748

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      Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (Vic)

    Ph: (61-3) 8892 2777 Fax: (61-3) 8892 2700





For Immediate Release

           Wednesday, 30th December, 2009 

SSAA Vic Welcomes Minister Holding’s Announcement


The SSAA Vic welcomes the Announcement today from acting

Minister Tim Holding, that there is to be a Duck Hunting Season

in 2010. The opening date will be the 20th March. This puts an

end to any uncertainty.

SSAA Vic Hunting and Conservation Manager, Colin Wood

said: “A modified season shortened by 2 weeks with a reduced

bird bag limit is eminently sensible. It is pleasing that the

Minister has acted in line with the recommendations of the

(newly appointed) Hunting Advisory Committee, (H.A.C.) a

statutory government body chaired by Mr Ross McPherson. It

bodes well for the new H.A.C., which shows every indication of

being a competent and well-balanced committee. 

Improved rainfall and environmental outlook have brought

about increased duck numbers, so that a season can be readily

sustained without threatening any species.”

Mr Wood continued. “For our detractors, it is interesting to

contemplate that there are plenty of game ducks across Australia

(The “hunted” species), while other bird species (including

lesser – known water birds) are quite depleted. This puts paid to

major arguments opposing duck hunting.

In conclusion I ask all Duck Hunters to go out and enjoy the

2010 season. Spend your ‘Huntourist’ Dollar in pressured Rural

Communities. Act responsibly, keep safety (in the field and on

the road), as your number 1 priority.                                    

Abide by the environmental ethic – leave no trace.”

For further information contact Colin Wood on 0427 682 223 or 8892 2777  

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