Anti Whaling Demonstration Staged On A Global Scale

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3rd November 2010, 06:58pm - Views: 2238

Conservation Animals Mary Verikios On Behalf Of WWAWD 1 image


On November 5th 2010 at 11:30am thousands of people worldwide will collectively participate in

simultaneous demonstrations to protest the commencement of the whaling season.  In Melbourne

there will be a demonstration Parliament House steps between 11:30am and midday.  Afterwards

there will be a gathering at Treasury Gardens for information booths by various animal welfare /

protection agencies and musical entertainment by Casey Freeman who was an Australian Idol finalist

in 2008.  Casey will be supported by students of the Ray Pereira School of African Drumming and

Thornbury High School Band.

Melbourne are joined on this day by demonstrations being staged in Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra,

Despite the moratorium on commercial whaling, currently the Japanese are preparing their fleet of

whaling vessels to make the trip to the Southern Oceans, an area declared by the International

Whaling Commission as a whale sanctuary.  There they will illegally slaughter 1000 whales (including

species listed on the endangered list) under the guise of “scientific research”.  

At one time in these waters the whales had freedom to move, swim, and dive at their leisure, they

now have harpoon ships circling them and factory ships ready to slaughter.  

Whales are much loved and hugely important to individuals, businesses and the global economy

providing major tourist attractions worldwide.  A compromised future for these animals will pose a

monumental risk to the environment, devastation to the economy and a huge loss to all humanity.

We urge the IWC and governments around the world to adopt a ‘zero tolerance’ policy towards

illegal whaling activities by joining with Australia in prosecuting whaling nations at the International

Court of Justice.  The world needs to put an end to illegal whaling by increasing policing and

protection efforts in protected waters and to strictly impose heavy sanctions to ensure the

preservation of whales for future generations.

The Melbourne event is collectively supported on the day and promoted by:

Animal Liberation Victoria

Animals Australia

Australia Teens Against Animal Cruelty (ATAAC)

Pets Haven

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Lort Smith Animal Hospital

Lost Dogs Home

For further information please contact the spokespeople for the Melbourne event, Maria Verikios on

0437 457 340 or Nick Zamias on 0404 442 456.  Also visit for more information on

other events worldwide.

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