Media Release
May 2010
Industry unites to promote compost in award winning style
A landmark event held in Sydney to celebrate International Composting Awareness Week brought
Australia's compost industry together on a grand scale. The 2010 Compost Ball and Leadership Awards
held at Doltone House on Darling Island Wharf showcased the industry's finest.
Three of South Australia's leading compost processors were recognised with an award by Compost
Australia and the Waste Management Association of Australia. The Compost Leadership Award
acknowledged their contribution to national market and industry development.
Award recipient and Jeffries Group Managing Director, Mr Lachlan Jeffries said "It's great to have our
initiative acknowledged and we're proud to be recognised in this way."
"It is rare in business for competitors to work so closely together but we all saw the need to take our
industry to the next level," Mr Jeffries said.
The Jeffries Group was a joint recipient for the Compost Leadership Award with Peats Soil and Garden
Supplies and Van Schaik's Biogro. These three companies made a joint commitment to the compost
industry and were honoured for starting the Compost for Soils program in South Australia.
The Compost for Soils program is designed to provide free, independent information and advice about the
benefits and use of recycled organics. Initially the program focused on commercial horticulture and
agriculture in South Australia, but it has been so successful that the program has been adopted nationally.
Along with the three compost processors, Zero Waste SA has been a key partner since its inception by
providing additional funding for the program.
"Compost for Soils has played a major role in demonstrating how professional our industry has become
and adopting this program nationally is another step forward," he said.
The Compost for Soils program now covers using recycled organics in sporting fields, roadside
landscaping, degraded land, community parklands, council parks and gardens as well as commercial
horticulture and agricultural applications.
For photos, contact Angela Lush on 0408 810 778,
For more information, contact Lachlan Jeffries, Managing Director, Jeffries Group on 0412 805 798
Issued on behalf of Jeffries Group
412 Hanson Road North, Wingfield SA 5013
Ph: (08) 8368 3555
Fax: (08) 8368 3588