Green Renovation Start-up Stars In Rmit Business Comp

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19th October 2009, 03:57pm - Views: 1094

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Green renovation start-up stars in RMIT business comp

An original business concept for a design consultancy specialising in advice and

solutions for green renovations has won $20,000 in prizes in RMIT University’s

prestigious 2009 Business Plan Competition.

Greenovate, a one-stop-shop for sustainable renovations and improving your

home’s environmental performance, was awarded the $10,000 LiTMUS

Environmental Sustainability Award, the $5,000 Powercor Australia Energy

Innovation Award and the $5,000 GrantReady Award for Excellence at a gala

ceremony last week.

Team Leader Monique Brady, of Carlton, said it was fantastic to receive such high

recognition from the many industry leaders who judged the Business Plan

Competition, which this year awarded a total of $98,000 in prizes.

“We would like to thank the many industry professionals that gave up their

time to judge or mentor in this Competition,” Ms Brady said.

“We would also like to thank them for seeing the potential in what we believe to be

a really viable and environmentally sustainable business concept. We look forward

to putting the prizes to good use and creating a fantastic service.”

Greenovate will help home owners by preparing Environmental Efficiency Reports,

outlining eco options, co-ordinating trades, organising government rebates and

designing affordable and sustainable renovations. The business venture is

expected to start up next month.

The annual RMIT Business Plan Competition is open to all RMIT students

worldwide and encourages teams to create innovative businesses and ideas

through the development of competitive business plans. 

RMIT Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Margaret Gardner AO, said the

competition was a chance for students to creatively apply their ingenuity and

develop their business skills.

“The RMIT Business Plan Competition has supported student entrepreneurship for

nine years and is one of the largest of its kind in Australia,” Professor Gardner said.

“This year’s winning business concept was an online service to help clubs and

community groups organise events, manage volunteers and raise funds, while

other fresh ideas from 2009 finalists included a sustainable cake delivery venture 

and a private high school in Vietnam. We warmly congratulate all the prize winners,

finalists and entrants in the 2009 competition.”

Media note: High-quality images from the ceremony are available.

For interviews: Team Leader, Greenovate, Monique Brady, 0422 220 081.

For general media enquiries: RMIT University Communications, Gosia

Kaszubska, (03) 9925 3176 or 0417 510 735.

19 October, 2009

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