Uranium Industry Seeks To Meet Nt Chief Minister On U Assessment

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4th October 2010, 02:56pm - Views: 1043

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Uranium industry seeks meeting with NT Chief Minister over resource

assessment process


Monday 4 October 2010 

The uranium industry is seeking a meeting with the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory,

Mr Paul Henderson, over the future of the Angela Pamela and other uranium projects in the


Last week the NT Chief Minister made a statement about the Angela Pamela project that

appeared to pre-empt the usual mine assessment processes in the Territory.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Uranium Association, Mr Michael Angwin, said,

“The established processes for assessing resource developments remain in place in the

Territory, for all uranium projects.  Decisions in accordance with those processes still have to

be taken.”

As Mr Henderson pointed out, the Commonwealth is also involved in approving uranium

projects in the Territory and we have full confidence the Commonwealth’s processes will be

followed to allow decisions on the environmental and other merits of any uranium project,

current and future.

“Uranium companies will continue to work in good faith and to adhere to the rules and

regulations for resource projects in the Territory.  Notwithstanding the views expressed by

the NT Government last week, we expect the Territory Government to stick to its own

processes in future,” Mr Angwin said.

“Many uranium projects in the Territory are at a very early stage and decisions on mine

approvals are some way off.  We want to make sure the Territory is on track before the

Government has to make any decisions on uranium mines in accordance with its approval

processes.  So far, it has not had to do so.”

Last week, despite the fact that no mine had been proposed for Angela Pamela, and no

official mine assessment process was underway, Mr Henderson said the NT Government

would not support any Angela Pamela proposal, citing local environmental and tourism


Mr Angwin noted that Mr Henderson had correctly pointed out it was now up to the

Commonwealth to decide if the Angela Pamela project should go ahead. 

Mr Angwin said the industry would also seek a meeting with the Territory Opposition Country

Liberal Party Leader, Mr Terry Mills. 

ENDS: Further information: Simon Clarke (03) 8616 0440; 0418 816 088

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