Uni And Mining Company Pledge To Continue Specialised Training

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10th November 2009, 06:40pm - Views: 1092

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JOINT announcement by CQUniversity and Anglo Coal Australia (ACA).



Uni and mining company pledge to continue specialised training

CQUniversity Australia and Anglo Coal Australia met today (Nov 10) to sign a Memorandum of Understanding

(MOU), which continues their collaboration on the innovative Mining Associate Program. 

Under the program, now available for surface and underground miners and well as safety specialists, ‘mining

associates' can gain practical mine site experience and registered training which is integrated with study in

CQUniversity's Associate Degree of Engineering (Mining). 

Associate Professor for Mining Dr Col Greensill, ACA Regional Manager for Human Resources Paul White,

one of the pioneering Mining Associate graduates Mitch Cameron (from Callide Mine) and Deputy Vice-

Chancellor Professor Angela Delves at the MOU signing ceremony

The mining associates are able to support mining professionals engaged in mine planning, coal quality

management, surveying, environmental monitoring, site projects and other areas as required. 

The new MOU includes establishment of a working group to oversee and monitor the program. 

The programs were initially available only to Anglo Coal employees but are now open to any applicants who

meet the entry requirements. 

ACA Regional Manager for Human Resources Paul White, who was on site at CQUniversity to sign the MOU,

and said the partnership with the University has enabled Anglo to offer potential employees both employment

and development opportunities.

"This is about future-proofing our business by bringing through young professionals," Paul said.

"The program has been an extremely effective mechanism for us to attract quality candidates regionally. 

"The first 4 mining associates to complete the program graduated on 24 April 2009 and all are employed locally

at Anglo Coal mines in Central Queensland."


For details contact Dr Col Greensill via c.greensill@cqu.edu.au or 0400 123 212 or ACA's Jacqui

Strambi 07 3834 1935 or Jacqui.Strambi@anglocoal.com.

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