Rheinbraun Brennstoff Gmbh Increases Storage Capacity For Hok Rotary Hearth Furnace Coke

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9th September 2009, 12:39am - Views: 1126

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Conservation Natural Resources Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH 2 image


Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH Increases Storage Capacity for HOK Rotary Hearth Furnace


COLOGNE, Sept. 8 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    - Rising Demand Worldwide - Silo Capacity Enlarged by 900 Tons


    Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH (RBB) has rented additional silo capacities

totalling 1,800 m3 from the firm Alfred Talke GmbH & Co. KG to enable the

company to go on meeting the growing demand for activated lignite in the

environmental area. This step will ensure greater storage capacity as

logistic support for positive developments overseas and help underpin

security of supply for customers. With the rented volume of some 900 tons,

the maximum storage capacity for the HOK activated lignite produced by RWE

Power AG rises to a total of 10,000 tons.

    The tower silo system is located on the business premises of Talke, a

logistics firm, in Hurth and comprises ten individual silos in all with a

capacity of 150 or 200 m3 each. Four different activated carbon types are

stored there, with grain sizes extending from granules to super-milled HOK


    This rotary hearth furnace coke derived from lignite, which is used in

the capture of pollutants and is marketed worldwide by RBB under the brand

name "Activated Lignite HOK(R)", has special properties that yield an

adsorbent and catalyst which is in demand in numerous environmental fields.

Typical applications - besides waste water and drinking water treatment -

include waste-gas and waste-air cleaning in refuse incineration and in the

steel industry, where HOK is deployed globally as low-cost and highly

effective sorbent.

    Global use: Refuse incineration, power plants, steel industry

    Even in the US, the activated carbon from Rhenish lignite is now helping

lower air pollution levels. Besides sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides,

mercury poses a special challenge for US power plants. Here, too, "Activated

Lignite HOK(R)" has proved to be both an outstandingly effective and a

low-cost adsorbent.

    At RWE Power, activated lignite is produced using an especially designed

applied pyrolysis and activation process which creates the special

properties. The process, which has been optimized on a basis of decades of

experience, guarantees a low-priced bulk product at a constant high quality

level in compliance with DIN ISO 9002. With an annual capacity of 200,000

tons, RWE AG is the world's largest producer of activated lignite.

    In view of the rising demand from overseas, the Hurth location offers the

best prerequisites: there, Talke operates a modern bulk thrower system

designed to fill maritime containers. This speeds up packaging and loading on

the spot and is an optimal solution for the further transportation of HOK



Conservation Natural Resources Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH 3 image

    Media contact:

    Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH

    Juergen Wirling

    Senior Manager, Waste Gas and Water Treatment


    D-50226 Frechen

    T: +49(0)221/480-22520

    F: +49(0)221/480-1369

    SOURCE: Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH


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