Public Forum Will Tackle Victoria's Water Issues

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14th October 2009, 08:22pm - Views: 1184

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14 October 2009

Public forum will tackle Victoria’s water issues

How secure is our water future?  What should we be doing about it?

A free public seminar and forum to launch National Water Week in Victoria

Time: 2pm, Sunday 18 October 

Venue: Latrobe Library, Melbourne

National Water Week 2009 is being held from 18-24 October, with the theme ‘Securing Our Water Future’. A

free public seminar and forum is being hosted by the Australian Water Association Victorian Branch, and

interested members of the community are invited to attend.

The public is invited to an open discussion on issues surrounding Victoria’s water future, including:

Victoria’s $3 billion desalination plant, designed to provide 25% of the State’s future water needs

Port Phillip Bay and Bass Strait wastewater management

Pipelines linking the Murray-Darling Basin with Melbourne and regional centres 

Climate change and its effects on environmental flows, wetlands and forest habitats 

Finding a balance between water for the environment, agriculture and urban communities

New initiatives including stormwater harvesting and third pipe installation for recycling of treated

waste water.

The public seminar, hosted by the Australian Water Association Victorian Branch, will feature speakers from

Department of Sustainability and Environment, Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF), Victorian

Farmers Federation and the Northern Victorian Irrigation (Food Bowl) ProjectThe seminar will be

followed by a public forum with opportunity for questions and discussion with experts in water management.


For more information or to arrange an interview on the day, please contact: 

Gail Reardon, Branch Manager, Australian Water Association Victorian Branch on 03-9235-1416

For pre-event media interviews or enquiries, please contact

Edie Nyers, Communications and Marketing Manager, Australian Water Association on 0401-806-277 or


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