One Less Xmas Stress: Let The Rain Water The Garden

< BACK TO NATURAL RESOURCES starstarstarstarstar   Conservation - Natural Resources Press Release
24th December 2009, 12:57pm - Views: 849

Despite the hustle and bustle to prepare for the festive season, Melburnians have only just missed Target 155 this week; with an average consumption of 159 litres per person per day.

With light regular rains forecasted for the Christmas to New Year break, Melburnians are being urged by water retailers to keep to their garden hoses packed away. By letting the rain water their gardens, Melburnians can free themselves of one less Christmas stress - of having to return home to water the garden.

"From Christmas Eve to New Years Day regular rains and mild summer temperatures are forecast, enabling Melburnians to safely leave their garden to its own devices, to be watered by the rain. The only disappointing sight we're likely to see when returning from holidays next week is the presence of more weeds - an unavoidable side effect of this perfect growing weather and great rain," said Tony Kelly, Target 155 Spokesperson and Managing Director of Yarra Valley Water.

"The smart thing to do over Christmas is to check the weather forecasts before watering on allocated days. This saves to save time, money and precious water which is otherwise used unnecessarily before rain," explains Mr Kelly.

"For those with self sufficient gardens - or those without a garden at all, please help us to bank water savings below Target 155 now - easily achieved by routinely keeping showers to less than four minutes, and by turning off evaporative air conditioners when not at home and by setting them for 25C or above over summer," details Tony Kelly.

"Taking these small steps and adhering to Stage 3a water restrictions over summer is critically important - when temperatures rise, consumption soars and reservoir levels can fall relatively quickly. Stage 3a stage restrictions and Target 155 are vital tools to ensure we don't deplete storages unnecessarily during summer, which is the worst time of year to become complacent," said Mr Kelly.

Melbourne's water storages have dipped to 37.8 per cent this week - the second lowest they have been at this time of year - confirming the need to create drought-resistant water sources. Work is currently underway to build Australia's largest desalination plant, to upgrade irrigation channels and to expand the water grid. But until these projects start delivering their full benefits to the community, the need to keep diligently saving water remains.

For more water saving tips and information head to

For Additional information or for Interviews
Caroline Doherty, Media Manager - Target 155
T(03) 9872 2473 M:0421 465 274
[email protected]

Rainfall Storages and Rainfall Data
Nick McGay, Melbourne Water
T(03) 9235 2278 M: 0438 981 836
[email protected]

Under Stage 3a Water Restrictions:
* Lawns must not be watered at any time
* Even and no-numbered properties can water plants on Saturday and Tuesday 6am - 8am
* Odd-numbered properties can water plants on Sunday and Wednesday 6am - 8am
* Residents aged 70+ can water plants on their specified days between 6am - 8am OR the alternate time of 8am - 10am
* Automatic dripper systems can be used to water plants on specified watering days between midnight - 2am
* Rain/ grey water can be used at any time
* Cars can be washed at commercial car washes or at home using rain/ grey water
* No watering is permitted on Monday, Thursday and Friday.

SOURCE: Target 155
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