Nsw Minerals Council Environment And Community Conference 2008

Conservation - Natural Resources Press Release
11th November 2008, 06:27pm -
Views: 1303
Mining And The Environment: We've Come A Long Way
11 November 2008
More than 250 mining industry representatives will gather with some of Australia's leading industry, environment, community and communications professionals next week for the annual NSW Minerals Council's Environment and Community Conference in the Blue Mountains.
The conference will feature a wide variety of speakers including Todd Sampson, founder of Earth Hour, ABC science journalist Robyn Williams, John Connor the Chief Executive Officer of the Climate Institute, Warren Mundine, Executive, Australian Employment Covenant and Lauren Burns, Olympics 2000 Taekwondo gold medallist.
A highlight of the conference is the annual excellence awards in which the industry recognises its major achievers and innovators in the fields of environmental management and community engagement.
The title of this year's conference is Game Plan 21 Tactics for the Times.
Topics for discussion include water management, climate change, mine site rehabilitation and community engagement.
For program and more information go to:
WHAT: NSWMC Environment and Community Conference 2008: "Game Plan 21- Tactics for the Times"
WHEN: 16-18 November 2008
Media contact: Marion Downey 0438 280 073
[email protected] SOURCE: NSW Minerals Council