Melbourne's Water Overflows The Target!

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30th October 2009, 03:14pm - Views: 873
Water Use Overflows the Target!

Water use has soared this week to a spring high of 157 litres per person per day - increasing 9 litres in the past week and some 25 litres over the past five weeks.

While Melburnians are on track to achieve the annual rolling 155 Target, rising water use is concerning considering the CSIRO's predictions of 2009/2010 being a hotter and drier summer than usual.

"We need to keep our water use low over spring so that we are conditioned and prepared for the hot dry summer ahead" said Tony Kelly, Yarra Valley Water Managing Director and Target 155 industry spokesperson.

Melburnians have done well under Target 155 and 3a restrictions, and have adopted a range of water saving behaviours to 'bank' water savings during winter. However, after a few warm days we've lapsed a little and blown the Target.

"We've had some good rain which has helped the storage levels, but the drought is far from over. We are encouraging everyone to revisit our preferred ways to save water", said Mr Kelly.

"With some rain and cooler conditions predicted for the next week, we're calling for all Melburnians to revisit the 140s. Let's get back under the target in spring. The challenge is to save 10 litres per person per day compared to what was used this week. Saving this modest amount of water will build on the savings and recent improvements in water storage levels, and position us well for the long hot summer ahead", said Mr Kelly.

Save 10 litres a day - a bucket of water
* Swap your shower head for a free water efficient one - an old tip - but for good reason, it's the biggest way to save.

* Rejoice at doing fewer dishes! - Let the morning dishes wait until after dinner (or vice versa) - washing with a full sink/ dishwasher will save you a minimum of 10 litres a day.

* Half full equals just as clean - if you've only got a few dishes that must be washed, fill the kitchen sink to a third of the way.

* Are leaks washing your money drown the drain? First check the toilet. Put a few drops of food dye in the toilet cistern and wait 15 minutes. Check the toilet bowl again and if it is anything but pearly white, you have a leak, costing you up to 100 litres a day.

* Let the sun do your laundry for you! With the better weather, bring back the long lost art of airing your clothes outside, rather than automatically washing them after each wear.

* Condition your plants for summer. Don't over - water! Plants need to be able to withstand the heat and dry conditions of summer. Too much loving now will spoil them and they won't cope in tougher conditions.

Under Stage 3a Water Restrictions:
* Lawns must not be watered at any time

* Even and no-numbered properties can water plants on Saturday and Tuesday 6am - 8am

* Odd-numbered properties can water plants on Sunday and Wednesday 6am - 8am

* Residents aged 70+ can water plants on their specified days between 6am - 8am OR the alternate time of 8am - 10am

* Automatic dripper systems can be used to water plants on specified watering days between midnight - 2am

* Rain/ grey water can be used at any time

* Cars can be washed at commercial car washes or at home using rain/ grey water

* No watering is permitted on Monday, Thursday and Friday.

For more water saving tips and information head to

For Additional information or for interviews please contact: (not for publication)

Caroline Doherty, Media Manager - Target 155 T(03) 9872 2473 M:0421 465 274
[email protected]

Rainfall Storages and Rainfall Data
Nick McGay, Melbourne Water T(03) 9235 2287 M: 0438 981 836

SOURCE: Target 155

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