Heat Flow Results For Kuth Energy

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13th August 2008, 06:01pm - Views: 1120

ASX Announcement

13 August 2008

Further positive heat flow results for KUTh Energy

KUTh Energy Limited is pleased to announce that it has received further equilibrated heat flow

results from its Tasmanian geothermal tenement and that they continue to affirm a strong heat

flow anomaly in eastern Tasmania. The lower values to the south and west appear to be

defining the edge of a very large heat flow anomaly distributed across the 14,000km2 of

tenements under exploration. The new values are listed below and plotted together with

previous values in Figure 1.

Hole ID Location (GDA94) Surface heat flow#

Surface value is 70 mW/m2; base of hole value is 97 mW/m2 All drill holes are vertical # Values have an average error margin of +/- 3.9 mW/m2 or less, considered a low error margin

The Kingston and Fingal holes continue the high regional near-surface heat flow values

established previously. The Fingal hole intersected Jurassic dolerite, with thermal conductivity

of 2.07 W/mK before entering Permo-Triassic sediments, including coal bands, with thermal

conductivities of between 0.68 2.54 W/mK. The hole displays evidence of heat removal in its

upper part, possibly by ground waters and the base-of-hole value of 97 mW/m2 is considered

more representative of the area. Down hole temperature profiles, thermal conductivities of core

samples and computation and modelling of the heat flows has been done by KUTh's thermal

contractor Hot Dry Rocks Pty Ltd.

The Woodsdale and Tiberias holes have lower estimated heat flows than those reported to the

north, consistent with KUTh's model of hot granite distribution. The Tiberias hole, well to the

west of where the granites are interpreted to be shallow enough to be of interest had a poor

model fit and showed evidence of water circulation behind the hole casing. These results

continue to affirm the presence of a significant heat flow anomaly in eastern Tasmania

comparable to that published from the Cooper Basin.

KUTh Energy Limited
35 Smith Street, North Hobart TAS 7000 - PO Box 2001, North Hobart TAS 7002
Ph: 03 6231 9800 Fx: 03 6234 3472 E: [email protected]

Figure 1

For more information contact:

Dr John Bishop

KUTH Energy Limited Masterstroke Group
M: 0418 373 429 M: 0412 635 274

KUTh Energy Limited
35 Smith Street, North Hobart TAS 7000 - PO Box 2001, North Hobart TAS 7002
Ph: 03 6231 9800 Fx: 03 6234 3472 E: [email protected]

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