Glass Earth Gold - Drilling Update

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23rd August 2008, 03:06am - Views: 1166

Glass Earth Gold - Drilling update

TORONTO, Aug. 22 /CNW-AsiaNet/ --

     TSX-V: GEL

     NZAX: GEL

     Diamond Drilling in Three Regions in New Zealand

     Glass Earth Gold Limited (TSX-V: GEL; NZAX: GEL) ("Glass Earth") today provided an activity update

on its drilling activities in the Mamaku-Muirs, Hauraki and Otago Regions in New Zealand. Drilling continues

apace through the southern hemisphere winter.

     MUIRS REEFS GOLD PROPERTY, MAMAKU REGION (last reported upon 1 August)

     Diamond drilling continues on the first hole of a planned 10-hole

program. Drilling beneath 20m(at)4.9 g/t gold (surface channel across the

Muirs reef) has reached the target zone, consisting of a broad zone of

fractured brecciated quartz veining which is proving slow drilling;

similarities with the Martha gold mine style of mineralisation (similar banded

brecciated quartz veins) are apparent. The hole is currently at 102m, out of

an expected total depth of 160m and still in the target zone.

     Exploratory drilling is anticipated to be near-continuous over the next

few months on this area encompassing the extensions to the north (Otawa) and

to the south (Gibraltar). This epithermal gold prospect conjoins into one

large continuous alteration and quartz veined system over 5,000m in length.

     HAURAKI REGION (JV Partner and Operator - Newmont Waihi Gold ("Newmont"))

     (last reported upon 29 February)

     Newmont has completed its first hole at the Komata prospect (total depth

352.6m) encountering altered andesitic and minor rhyolitic volcanics. Minor

narrow quartz veins were observed. A second hole collared today is planned to

test drill this target prior to moving the drill rig to South Karangakahe to

continue a series of exploration forays into the Hauraki region.

     A five-hole drilling campaign over the Owharoa target in early 2008

returned non-economic results.

     OTAGO REGION (last reported upon 16 June)

     The exploratory drilling campaign continues in Otago over lower elevation

targets accessible during the winter. The drill-rig collared its first hole at

Sheep Wash, just 4km south of the Macraes Gold Mine (Oceanagold

owner/operator), where co-incident magnetic-electromagnetic anomalies

demonstrate a potential shear-zone sub-paralleling the Hyde-Macraes shear. The

hole targets anomalous gold-arsenic in soil geochemistry.

     The drill rig will move to Game Hen (Hindon, central Otago) following the

Sheep Wash drilling, where in-situ rock chips from Glass Earth mapping

returned grab rock chip assays up to 44gm/t gold. Drilling of the Serpentine

prospect is anticipated to follow this programme as spring clears access to

this area.

     Assay results are awaited from the 287.5m hole at Gold & Pine completed

on 12 August 2008.

     Assays from the drill holes at Sparrow Hawk in June/July returned

non-economic results; however the stratigraphic information has proved

invaluable and has pointed to a promising zone in Sparrow Hawk south.

Fieldwork is ongoing in this area.

     To view maps of the exploration areas visit the links below:

     Qualified Persons

     Glass Earth's exploration programmes are carried out under the

supervision of Glass Earth's President and CEO, Mr. Simon Henderson, M.Sc,

M.AUSIMM, F.SEG. Mr. Henderson meets the qualified person requirements as

defined by National Instrument 43-101 with more than 30 years of experience in

the gold mining and exploration industry.

     About Glass Earth Gold Limited

     Glass Earth is one of the largest New Zealand-based gold exploration

companies exploring a land position of over 27,000 square kilometres in the

North and South Islands.

     In the North Island, exploration efforts are focused on the Hauraki /

Mamaku / Central Volcanic Region. Glass Earth is targeting its exploration to

uncover large epithermal gold systems similar to the 10 million ounce gold

Waihi/Martha Mine, owned by Newmont Mining located here.

     -   Hauraki Region - With advanced gold prospects, Glass Earth occupies a

         significant ground position in this region around the Waihi/Martha

         Mine. Newmont has commenced earning into the Glass Earth permits via

         two Joint Ventures: the Waihi West permit, immediately adjacent to

         the Waihi/Martha Mine; and the surrounding Hauraki Region permits.

     -   Mamaku Region - With recently-defined gold targets, this region

         includes the Muirs Reef prospect, which historically produced more

         than 43,000 ounces of gold.

     -   Central Volcanic Region - Glass Earth has defined a number of

         epithermal gold targets in this region, including advanced prospects

         that have completed 3D resistivity and have been prioritized for


         In the South Island, exploration efforts are focused on the Otago

         Region for mesothermal "Macraes-style" gold targets and alluvial


     -   Otago Region - Over 20 significant hard rock gold prospects have been

         identified in this region; drilling has commenced on the five

         advanced exploration prospects, while prospecting will continue to

         bring forward targets through the 2008-2009 exploration period.

     Glass Earth Gold Limited, with its main operational office in Wellington,

New Zealand; field offices in Rotorua (North Island) and Dunedin (Otago, South

Island) and corporate office in Toronto, Canada; is listed on the TSX Venture

Exchange (TSX.V: GEL) and the New Zealand Alternative Stock Exchange (NZAX:


Conservation Natural Resources Glass Earth Gold 2 image

     To receive Company news via email, contact sasha(at) and mention

"Glass Earth news" in the subject line.

     Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor New Zealand Exchange Limited has

     reviewed this release and neither accepts responsibility for the adequacy

     or accuracy of this release.

CONTACT: Simon Henderson, 

         President and Chief Executive Officer, 

         at +64 4 903 4980 

         or info(at); 

         Lindsay Carpenter, 

         Account Manager, 

         CHF Investor Relations, 

         at (416) 868-1079 x239 

         or lindsay(at); 

         Visit the Company's website at


SOURCE: Glass Earth Gold Limited

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