Ethan Minerals Limited Commences Drilling Program At Mary Springs Prospect, Wa

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17th December 2009, 01:47pm - Views: 1063

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Perth based explorer, Ethan Minerals Limited (ASX:ETH) is pleased to announce that the Company




a program of reverse circulation drilling

at the Mary Springs Prospect, Northampton

Project, Western Australia,

following the receipt of

all necessary government permits. The

commencement of drilling at the Company’s key tenement signals an exciting period of development for

Ethan Minerals, following their recent listing on the Australian Securities Exchange in early December. 

Mining in the Northampton field first commenced in the mid-1800s and the district has been host to

several small scale operations over the years. Ethan Minerals has successfully amalgamated a substantial

lease holding in the Northampton district and it believes that the district has the potential to host

significant economic base metal deposits. 

Drilling commenced at the Mary Springs Prospect on the 14 December 2009, where Ethan Minerals has a

JORC defined resource of 145,000 tonnes at 11.5% lead, with the target of defining at least 30,000 tonnes

of lead at a similar grade through the current program. Ethan Minerals has engaged the services of

Foremost Drilling Ltd to act

as drilling contractor for the drilling program, with the aim of completing

approximately five drill holes prior to the Christmas 2009 break.

The drilling program is staged, with the first stage consisting of some 1,500 metres of reverse circulation

drilling. Further drilling is anticipated following the receipt of successful results from the initial campaign

and at this stage is scheduled for early January 2010.

Mary Springs Prospect is located approximately 80 kilometres north of Northampton and is part of the

Northampton Geological Complex. Rocks of the Northampton Complex are dominated by granites,

migmatites and granulites. The Mary Springs Prospect is located around old underground workings and is

considered the Company’s priority target. 

In commenting on this significant milestone for the Company, Ken Fitzgerald, Executive Director


Ethan Minerals said,

“The Ethan Minerals Board is excited about the commencement of the drilling program

as a milestone

and historic event for the Company

and firmly believes that the district has the potential to host

significant economic base metal deposits.”

If you would like to interview Ken Fitzgerald, please contact Rod North, Bourse Communications, (03)

9510 8309 or 0408 670 706.


ACN 124 354 329

Suite 24, 443 Albany Highway

Victoria Park WA 6100


T: +61 8 9472 5502

F: +61 8 9362 2805


ASX Media Release

17 December 2009

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