Crcmining Receives $1.05m For Coal R&d

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23rd December 2009, 06:52pm - Views: 1270

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December 23, 2009

CRCMining receives $1.05m for coal R&D

The Cooperative Research Centre for Mining (CRCMining) was recently allocated a total of A$1.05m

in grants from the Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP). 

CRCMining Director of Research Professor Paul Lever said the funding will assist five new and

continuing research projects.

The grants cover a range of projects; including continuing research into DC motors, linear gas flow

measurement for gas drainage boreholes and super-resolution control for RAB drilling.

Dr Galina Mirzaeva and Professor Bob Betz from the University of Newcastle received an extension

grant for their DC Motor Duty Meter Prototype project. The next stages of the project involve the

investigation of motor temperature and the effects of mechanical vibrations.

Extension funding was also allocated to the Centre’s linear gas flow measurement project, led by

CRCMining Project Leader Bart Pienaar.

The project aims to develop models and software to interpret and continuously quantify flow

characteristics along the length of a gas drainage borehole using a fibre-optic temperature sensor.

CRCMining Business Development Manager David Haneman said the grants reinforced the Centre’s

status as a trusted R&D provider to ACARP and the broader mining industry.

“We are very pleased to have been allocated ACARP funding for projects for both open-cut and

underground mining projects,” Mr Haneman said. 

“This research will provide significant benefits to the mining industry.”


About CRCMining

The Cooperative Research Centre for Mining (CRCMining) is a multi-million dollar research centre

established under the Commonwealth Government’s Cooperative Research Centres program. The

Centre is supported in its work by 10 industry partners and five leading Australian universities. The

Centre’s research is spread across four program areas: Shovel Automation; Rock Fragmentation and

Handling; Equipment and Power Management and Drilling Processes for Fugitive Emissions.

Media contact:

Andrew Long - Communications Manager

Phone: +61 7 3365 5637


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