Cotecna Appointed By Kso Scisi For Indonesia Iron Or Steel Inspections

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23rd June 2009, 12:24am - Views: 1181

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Cotecna Appointed by KSO SCISI for Indonesia Iron or Steel Inspections

GENEVA, June 22 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Cotecna, one of the world's leading international trade

inspection, security and certification companies, has been officially

appointed by Indonesia's KSO SCISI, to handle the inspection of iron or steel

shipments from Korea and Japan to Indonesia.

    As a subcontractor of KSO SCISI, Cotecna will carry out

verification and surveys of all iron or steel of Japanese and Korean origin

arriving in Indonesia and covered under the below mentioned Decree. This will

include administration and field verification to provide information such as

country of origin data and the description of the goods, the quality and

type, the date of shipment and port of destination.

    As part of the country's import verification program, KSO

Sucofindo-Surveyor Indonesia (KSO SCISI), based in Jakarta, Indonesia, was

appointed by the Directorate General of International Trade of the Ministry

of Trade of The Republic of Indonesia to manage the verification of the

country's iron or steel imports. KSO SCISI is a Joint Operation between two

State owned companies, PT.Sucofindo and PT.Surveyor Indonesia, and acts as an

independent surveyor for the verification of many other commodities within

the country's import verification program.

    Effective 26 July 2009, the Trade Minister's Decree

21/M-DAG/PER/6/2009 of 11 June 2009, requires that the importation of all

iron or steel to Indonesia covered by this Decree must carry a Survey Report.

    Robert Massey, CEO Cotecna said, "I am pleased by the confidence that KSO

SCISI has shown in Cotecna. This contract further emphasizes Cotecna's

competence in the area of import verification services and is proof of

Cotecna's commitment to participating in the economic growth of Indonesia and

the rest of Asia."

    All Indonesian iron or steel importers should contact KSO in



    KSO Sucofindo - Surveyor Indonesia

    Gedung Menara Bidakara 2nd Floor

    Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav 71 - 73

    Jakarta 12950

    Tel : +62(0)21-8379-3222

    Fax : +62(0)21-8370-0445


    Founded in Switzerland in 1974, the COTECNA Group offers a wide range of

    trade facilitation services, trade security services and quality

    certification standards. Cotecna is a pioneer in areas such as risk

    management, destination inspection and scanner integration projects and

    also offers Customs modernization programmes, Customs valuation

    assistance, trade security solutions and commercial inspections. For a

combined workforce of about 4,000 employees and 

    agents in close to 100 offices and holds 16 government inspection 

Conservation Natural Resources COTECNA INSPECTION SA 2 image


    Contact: Cotecna Press, Alison Bourgeois, Vice President Corporate

Communications, Geneva, Switzerland, +41-22-849-78-23,


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