2009 Australian Mining Technology Conference: Call For Papers

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6th April 2009, 12:58pm - Views: 1073



April 6, 2009

2009 Australian Mining Technology Conference: Call for Papers

The Cooperative Research Centre for Mining (CRCMining) would like to announce

its Call for Papers for the 2009 Australian Mining Technology Conference, to be held

at the University of Queensland’s Business School Downtown on October 27-28


The theme for this year’s Conference is “Technology Solutions for Challenging

Financial Times”. The Technical Committee is inviting abstracts from industry and

research on the following topics: materials handling, mine planning and scheduling,

automated mining technologies, operational decisions support, orebody definition and

characterisation, mining methods and rock fragmentation.

Mining industry and collaborative industry-research papers will be highly regarded.

the abstract template. Abstracts should be limited to 500 words. Abstracts are due by

April 24, with authors being notified of acceptance shortly thereafter.


About CRCMining

CRCMining is a multi-million dollar research centre established under the

Commonwealth Government’s Cooperative Research Centres program. The Centre is

supported in its work by 14 industry partners and four leading Australian universities.

The Centre’s research is spread across five program areas: Shovels, Trucks and

Electrical; Coal Production; Smart Mining Systems; Geoengineering and Technology


The Centre’s purpose is to deliver a continual stream of safety and productivity

enhancing technologies to the mining industry and to have these technologies adopted

by the industry.

Media contact:

Andrew Long

Communications Manager

Phone: +61 7 3365 5637

Fax: +61 7 3365 5636

Email: a.long@crcmining.com.au

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