Wind Power Research Generates Lessons For Industry

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5th December 2008, 01:36pm - Views: 656

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Wind power research generates lessons for industry 

An outstanding researcher who examined the recent history of wind power in

Australia will receive a doctoral award from RMIT University this month.

In the face of climate change, peak oil and the Federal Government’s renewable

energy target scheme – mandating that 20 per cent of Australia's electricity supply

must come from renewable energy by 2020 – energy sources such as wind power

offer significant potential. 

Dr Gerard Healey, of North Fitzroy, applied the theory of strategic niche

management to draw lessons about how the introduction of renewable

technologies could be achieved more effectively.

“One of the success factors is a detailed appreciation of the extent to which the

technology is compatible with existing infrastructure and regulations,” he said.

“Often, regulations do not even exist. Beyond this, other non-financial factors, such

as the level of community acceptance, also play a key role.”

While the research is focused on wind power, the findings are relevant to other

renewable technologies. 

“I am currently working with industry and government on green buildings and

adapting my research to the practical challenges,” Dr Healey, who is employed by

Arup Consulting, said.

“There are a number of parallels between my research and strategic green building


After completing a Bachelor of Engineering at RMIT, Dr Healey decided post-

graduate research was a way to build upon his deep interest in sustainability.

“My research has enabled me to find valuable work in an area that I really enjoy,”

he said.

“Receiving my PhD will bring that part of my life to a close and I’m expecting to feel

a great sense of accomplishment.”

RMIT’s colourful Graduation Parade and spectacular Graduation Ceremony will be

held on 17 December.

The parade along Swanston Street will be followed by a ceremony at Telstra

Dome, where more than 5,000 graduates will celebrate their achievements.

For interviews: Dr Gerard Healey, 0429 900 131.

For general media enquiries: RMIT University Media and Communications,

Gosia Kaszubska, (03) 9925 3176 or 0417 510 735.


December, 2008 

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