Queensland Regional NRM Groups Collective
PO Box 4608, Toowoomba Q 4350
Media enquiries: Samantha Morris 0421 709 519
18 August 2010
Regional communities praise major parties
environment announcements
Yesterday, Queenslands regional sustainability organisations praised the Liberal Party for its foresight
in announcing it would revert back to regional priorities in determining how federal funds were spent
on natural resource management.
Today we have been advised that Julia Gillard has also committed to renewing recognition of the 56
regional natural resource management plans that exist across Australia.
Queensland Regional NRM Groups Collective is buoyed by this announcement: something we have
been advocating for since the inception of Caring for Our Country. We welcome the opportunity to
contribute to further discussions about the proposed National Green Corridors Plan.
Mike Berwick AM, Chair Queensland Regional NRM Groups Collective is available for interview to
discuss the significant impacts of this announcement on Queenslands regional communities and the
landscape as a whole. Phone 0419 022 629.
Mike Berwick, Chair Queensland Regional NRM Groups Collective
0419 022 629 | mikeb@terrain.org.au
Media enquiries
Samantha Morris, Wombat Creative
0421 709 519 | sam@wombatcreative.com.au