Governments Delay Action On Container Deposit Legislation

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4th November 2010, 04:37pm - Views: 3682

Media Release Thursday 4 November 2010

Another opportunity goes to waste: Governments Delay on Container Deposit

Federal and State Ministers have again failed to deliver on container deposit
legislation meaning that more waste will flow into our landfills and choke our

The announcement came today as part of a meeting of the Environment Protection
and Heritage Council (EHPC).

"The evidence supporting container deposit legislation is overwhelming. It's a better
outcome for the environment and the community," said Clean Up Australian
Chairman and Founder, Ian Kiernan AO.

Today's further stalling runs contrary to both expert studies and the desires of the

Clean Up Australia's 2009 poll revealed that 87% of Australians want to see CDL

"The EPHC is dragging its feet, and while it does so, Australia is falling further and
further behind when it comes to waste management at the cost of our

"The most recent report from waste experts Hyder Consulting estimates that through
increased recycling of aluminium and glass, as much as 60 million kWh of electricity
and 256 million litres of water could be saved1 in Tasmania alone. Along with this
benefit comes reduced litter, landfill volumes and increased revenue for the state."

Container deposit legislation has been successfully implemented both locally and
internationally. SA has had a CDL scheme for over 30 years and enjoys a recycling
rate of 75-85% for cans and bottles. CDL schemes are also operating successfully in
countries such as Germany, Sweden, the US, Canada and Japan.2 The NT plans to
introduce CDL from July 2011.

"We know cash for containers means a massive reduction in rubbish, and substantial
increases in recycling rates." said Mr Kiernan. "Plus there's the additional bonus of
income for individuals, schools and community groups who are prepared to make the
effort to collect and return their containers."


Further information: Alex Serpo, 0421 964 093

1 See The Hyder Report to the Tasmanian Environment Department Page 50 - `Conclusions'.
2 The Independent Review of Container Deposit Legislation in NSW 2001, Vol.1, page 28

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