Why So Smart? Australia's Electricity Grids Unplugged

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18th January 2010, 02:16pm - Views: 888
Why So Smart? Australia's Electricity Grids Unplugged

Sydney, Australia 18 January, 2010

When Thomas Edison launched the first power plant in 1882 to light 400 lamps in New York, he couldn't have anticipated a global dependence on electricity so great that it would jeopardise the existence of life on this planet as we know it.

As Australia enters a new decade in which the carbon constrained environment implores us to heavily monitor our personal energy consumption, government and industry are preparing for the future of our nation one which is not so reliant on electricity.

Thus, our cities power networks are in a period of transition A smart grid for a smart city.

"I think the style and nature of our lifestyles being much more digitally based and the need for higher security is also driving a different view about how the network needs to evolve. Also, in many parts of the world we've also got significant aged assets, these are the driving force for substantial change", said Terry Effeney, CEO, Energex.

The Australian Government has committed up to $100 million to develop the Smart Grid, Smart City demonstration project in partnership with the energy sector. "With this $100 million investment, Australia will showcase the world's best practice when it comes to investing in smart grid technologies, helping industry get on with the job of rolling out these technologies and supporting clean energy jobs" said Environment minister Peter Garrett in 2009.*

A smart grid study commissioned by Logica in 2009 identified three key areas of focus for the energy industry moving forward: these being a new regulatory framework; developing suitable implementation strategies, and systems investments.

Respondents unanimously agreed that a collaborative effort is needed between government, the energy regulators and the electrical industry to provide the correct framework for progress to a smart grid *

The National Smart Grids Forum 2010 will bring together senior level representatives from Federal and State Government, regulators, energy companies, and the industry to discuss key challenges and determine the business case to underpin the design, scope and definition of a Smart Grid for our nation.


For media enquiries, interview requests or further information contact:

Chris Archer
IQPC Australia
Ph: (02) 9229 1045
Email: [email protected]

* 2009 Smart Grid Study Logica
* http://www.environment.gov.au/minister/garrett/2009/mr20090930.html

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SOURCE: IQPC Australia

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