The Gateway To Asia Is In Berlin

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16th October 2009, 01:18pm - Views: 1307

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The Gateway to Asia is in Berlin

BERLIN, Oct. 16 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    - Asia-Pacific Weeks Close With the "InFashion" Fashion Performance

    The Asia-Pacific Weeks Berlin 2009 are headed for a close. In the last 12 days, over 150 separate events

were held on this year's focus themes - mobility and energy - under the heading "Asia-Pacific: Partner for a

Common Future."

    The business and science program with the specialist conferences "Global Mobility" and "Energy for the

Future," was attended by several experts, including Prof. Shi Dinghuan (Chairman of the Chinese Renewable

Energy Association), Raja Segran (Sr. Vice President - Europe & United Kingdom, Jet Airways), and Sheng-

Wei Wang (Chief Secretary of the Taipei City Department of Transportation). Among the highlights were a

panel discussion on "Asia's Urban Future" and the conference "India: Upswing despite the Crisis."

    Among the cultural highlights were the performing-arts festival "Tokyo-Shibuya: The Next Generation" and

the exhibition "Paul Pfeiffer - The Saints." The total number of visitors to all events currently is about 20,000.

Several exhibitions will remain open to the public even after the APW, including Tadashi Kawamata's

exhibition "Berlin Tree Houses" and "What Makes India Urban?"

    The Asia-Pacific Weeks were inaugurated in a celebration hosted by Klaus Wowereit, Berlin's governing

mayor, and will have their closing ceremony on October 18th in the House of World Cultures. This includes a

concert performed by Talvin Singh, the avant-garde Asian Underground musician, and the "InFashion" fashion

performance. As part of the latter, one Japanese, one Korean and two Berlin-based fashion designers will

showcase their collections.

    According to Mayor Wowereit the Asia-Pacific Weeks Berlin 2009 were a success: "Thousands of scientists,

executives and artists from all over Europe, Asia and the Pacific region came together in our city. The APW

is coming to a close, but the gateway to Asia will remain in Berlin – and stay wide open!"

    Berlin Partner GmbH

    Ludwig Erhard Haus

    Fasanenstrasse 85

    D-10623 Berlin

    Christoph Lang

    Head of Corporate Communications/ PR

    Tel.: +49(0)30-39980-123

    Fax: +49(0)3039980-113

    Mobile: +49(0)1577-3998-123

    SOURCE: Berlin Partner GmbH


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