Take Care With Electricity During High Winds, Warns Safety Authority

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23rd August 2009, 03:30pm - Views: 832

Conservation Energy Energy Safe Victoria 1 image


Sunday 23 August


Electricity safety regulator, Energy Safe Victoria (ESV), has issued important safety advice for the Victorian

community during the strong winds and squalls forecast for the next few days.  

ESV warns that some areas of the State could experience power cuts because of the extreme weather,

particularly with strong wind gusts damaging powerlines  

Households are advised to prepare for possible power cuts by making sure they have a torch, charged phone that

doesn't rely on electricity to operate - such as a mobile - and access to important contact numbers, including the

faults number of their local power distributor (available on power bills). 

If power cuts occur, people are asked to be patient. Distribution companies are preparing for increased demand

for repairs during this period and will be working to return power as soon as possible when outages occur. If

damage is widespread it will mean power might not be restored immediately. 

IMPORTANT: When outdoors keep clear of fallen powerlines and make sure others do the same. They could be

“live” and dangerous.

Advice for households who are without power following extreme weather events: 

If supplies have not been restored to homes for any reason, householders must not connect generators

or perform other electrical work around the home. Such practice is both illegal and dangerous - such work

can only be carried out by licensed electricians.

Households still without power after electricity supplies have been restored to their neighbourhood should

seek the help of their network provider. The problem could be a fault in the supply line to the property, or

a fault within the property’s electrical installation.  

If there are continuing power supply problems within properties, an electrician licensed by Energy Safe

Victoria must be engaged to perform any electrical repair work. Contact a registered electrical contractor

contact details are available in local newspapers and Yellow Pages phone directories.

Where properties have been significantly damaged by storms, it is imperative that checks of wiring and

other electrical installations are made before appliances are connected and turned on. Such checks must

be carried out by a licensed electrician or licensed electrical inspector. 

Do not use any electrical appliances following storms or floods until they have been checked for safety by

a licensed electrician. Do not expect them to work safely once they have dried out.

In the case of emergencies, household are advised to contact their network provider. Relevant contact

details can be found on electricity bills.


Conservation Energy Energy Safe Victoria 2 image

Victoria’s distribution businesses can be contacted on the following numbers:

Powercor 132 412 (outer western suburbs and western Victoria)

CitiPower 131 280 (Melbourne CBD and inner suburbs)

Jemena 131 626 (northern and inner western suburbs)

United Energy 132 099 (inner eastern/south eastern suburbs, Mornington Peninsula)

SP AusNet 131799 (outer eastern and Eastern Victoria)

Further information:

David Guthrie-Jones                                    (03) 9203 9700

Media spokesman   

                              0409 542 083   

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