Rising Energy Costs Forcing Aussie Households To Cut Back On Heating

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26th May 2010, 03:32pm - Views: 1163

Rising Energy Costs Forcing Aussie Households to Cut Back on Heating

Seven out of ten Australian households will cut their use of heating this winter to keep down costs, according to a recent poll by independent energy comparison site Switchwise.com.au.

Most shocking of all is that almost one-quarter (23%) of people said they will not turn on the heating at all this winter in order to avoid blowing the family budget on power and gas bills. Over a third (36%) of people surveyed said that they would only switch on the heating in one or two rooms in their home so as to keep their energy costs under control.

The Switchwise.com.au poll suggests that many people change their lifestyle in an attempt to cut the cost of heating their homes. For example, one-in-ten Australians polled said they spend more time away from home in winter, going to their friends and family or to public places like shopping centres, libraries and cafes, to keep warm.

Shaun Johnson, Founder of Switchwise.com.au, said that consumers' forced cutbacks on heating would undoubtedly affect the quality of life, and in some cases, the health of many Australians. "Whilst many of us certainly could be more energy efficient in our homes, there is clearly a significant portion of the Australian population who cannot afford the luxury of that choice - they can't be more efficient, they just have to go cold."

Mr Johnson believes that the problem will only get worse over the coming years. "We expect to continue to see yearly power price rises of 10 to 20 per cent over the next few years and prices could jump even higher should some form of carbon scheme be introduced."

Mr Johnson advises consumers to lower their energy bills in two ways: firstly, by looking for simple ways to reduce energy use at home and, secondly, by comparing their current supplier's rates every 6 to 12 months to ensure they are getting the best possible deal. "There could be up to a dozen power and gas suppliers competing for your business so it would be wise to shop around - it's now incredibly quick and easy to compare electricity and gas prices across all suppliers online at Switchwise.com.au", he says.

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For Further Information, Comments or Interview Opportunities:
Shaun Johnson - Founder, Switchwise.com.au
Mobile: 0423 126 204
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.switchwise.com.au/

Notes to Editors
*Data taken from Switchwise poll of 508 Australian online users conducted during 26 April to 10 May 2010.

*Current State energy concessions:
-Vic - 17.5% discount on winter power & gas bills
-NSW - up to $145 pa energy rebate
-Qld - up to $190 pa electricity rebate
-SA - up to $150 pa energy concession
-Tas - up to $320 pa pensioner electricity concession
-ACT - up to $195 pa energy concession
-WA - seniors air-conditioning rebate
-NT - electricity concession

*More information about energy concessions is available at http://www.switchwise.com.au/electricity/prices/energy-concessions/

About Switchwise.com.au
Switchwise.com.au is a free and independent online service that provides consumers with an easy way to compare electricity and gas prices and plans offered by a range of energy suppliers. Consumers can easily determine the best deal for their homes, whether based upon pricing, renewable energy or supplier service levels, and switch their supplier online in a few simple steps.

Switchwise.com.au is currently available to all households across Australia and will be extended to businesses shortly.

Switchwise.com.au is an Australian-owned and operated company that has the financial backing of Netus (www.netus.com.au), a leading Australian technology investment firm chaired by the former director of Microsoft Asia Pacific, Daniel Petre.

SOURCE: Switchwise.com.au

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