Origin's Cullerin Range Wind Farm Boosts Nsw Renewable Energy Generation

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30th August 2009, 10:17am - Views: 1006

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Origin Energy Limited ABN 30 000 051 696

Level 45 Australia Square, 264-278 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5376, Sydney NSW 2001

Telephone (02) 8345 5000

Facsimile (02) 9252 1566

Media Release 

30 August 2009

Origin’s Cullerin Range Wind Farm boosts NSW

renewable energy generation

Origin, Australia’s leading integrated energy company, has announced the successful

commencement of renewable energy generation from its 30MW Cullerin Range Wind

Farm, the first significant wind farm to become fully operational in NSW. 

Located 30 kilometres west of Goulburn in NSW, Cullerin Range Wind Farm is one of

the most competitive projects of its kind in Australia, with a capacity factor of 44

percent and proximity to pre-existing electricity transmission infrastructure.

Origin Executive General Manager Energy Markets, Mr Frank Calabria said, “Cullerin

Range is making an important contribution to increasing the supply of renewable

electricity generation in NSW while helping to lower the State's greenhouse gas


“Cullerin Range has an extremely good wind resource and will provide enough

renewable electricity to power almost 15,000 typical NSW homes and avoid the

production of approximately 100,000 tonnes of carbon annually,” Mr Calabria added. 

As Origin’s first self built wind farm, Cullerin Range is an important development

within the company’s extensive renewable energy portfolio. 

Origin has been an active participant in the wind sector since early this decade when

Australia’s first commercial wind farm was opened at Codrington in Victoria – with

the offtake fully contracted to Origin. As a significant investor in Australia’s

renewable energy industry, Origin holds more than 2,000 MW of wind farm

development options including a pipeline of 1,520 MW owned by the Company.

The wind farm assists in meeting Origin’s obligations under the Federal

Government’s National Renewable Energy Target and contributes to the significant

renewable energy positions held by Origin in Australia and New Zealand. The wind

farm also supports customer demand for GreenPower as Origin is the largest green

energy provider in Australia with more than 500,000 accredited GreenPower and

GreenGas accounts.

Origin acquired the development rights to Cullerin Range from Epuron in January

2008 and following successful completion of construction, the wind farm underwent

commissioning between late May and early July this year. All 15 of the wind farm’s

2MW REpower wind turbines are now fully operational, exporting power to Country

Energy’s 132kV Goulburn to Yass distribution line, which passes through the northern

section of the site.

Construction of the wind farm was a major logistical exercise involving the shipment

and delivery of blades, each up to 45 metres in length, from Germany. The turbine

towers, which were manufactured in Portland, Victoria, were assembled in three

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sections with a hub height of 80 metres. In addition to the wind farm itself, building

involved engineering activities such as onsite roads to access the turbine sites, and

the hardstand areas for the turbine construction. 

“Safety is our priority at Cullerin Range and we have conducted rigorous onsite

assessments of all safety systems. The turbines have been engineered to protect

them from lightning strikes and a detailed earthing design has been incorporated

within the tower and foundation. The wind farm has the capability to shut itself

down should onsite conditions require and each nacelle is fitted with duplicate

sensors to detect wind speed and direction,” Mr Calabria said. 

The $95 million Cullerin Range Wind Farm project, at the height of construction

activity, employed more than 100 people on site with 60 of these from the local area

and is contributing significant investment into the local economy. A number of

people in the local area will be involved in the maintenance and operation of the

wind farm. 

Origin also has a 30 per cent interest in the hot-rock geothermal joint venture with

Geodynamics as well as its SLIVER solar photovoltaic development which aims to

increase the availability of solar power by dramatically reducing the amount of

silicon required in solar panels. 

For images of Cullerin Range Wind Farm go to:

For further information please contact:

Lina Melero

General Manager, Corporate Communication

Ph: 02 8345 5217

Mobile: 0427 017 798

Michelle Zahra 

Corporate Communication Manager

Ph: 02 8345 5077

Mobile: 0408 119 877

About Origin Energy

Origin Energy is Australasia’s leading integrated energy company focused on gas and oil exploration and

production, power generation and energy retailing.  

Listed in the ASX top 20 the company has approximately 4,000 employees, is a leading producer of gas

in eastern Australia, is the largest owner and developer of gas-fired electricity generation in Australia

and is a leading wholesaler and retailer of energy. The company services more than 3.5 million

electricity, natural gas and LPG customers across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Origin’s

strategic positioning and portfolio of assets provide flexibility, stability and significant opportunities for

growth in the ever changing energy industry. Through Australia Pacific LNG, its 50:50 incorporated joint

venture with ConocoPhillips, Origin is developing one of Australia’s largest CSG to LNG projects based

on Australia’s largest CSG reserves base. 

In New Zealand, Origin is the major shareholder in Contact Energy, the country's leading integrated

energy company, operating geothermal, thermal and hydro generation facilities and servicing

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electricity, gas and LPG customers across both the North and South islands. Origin also operates several

oil and gas projects in New Zealand and is one of the largest holders of petroleum exploration acreage

in the country.

Origin has a strong focus on ensuring the sustainability of its operations, is the largest green energy

retailer in Australia and has significant investments in renewable energy technologies.

For more information go to www.originenergy.com.au

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