Old King Coal Not Wearing Any Clothes

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30th October 2009, 05:02pm - Views: 1185

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Queensland Conservation 166 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000 

ABN: 89 717 887 219

Ph: 07 3221 0188    

Fax: 07 3229 7992


For Immediate Release                                                          30 October 2009

Old King Coal Not Wearing any Clothes

Like the fabled Emperor who tried to convince his people to admire his new suit when

in fact it did not exist, the coal industry has been trying to convince the Queensland

community that it too has a set of new, clean clothes.

‘The coal industries new clothes is ‘so called’ clean coal. It’s unproven, won’t lower

emissions and now, according to the Commonwealth, not commercially viable,’ said

Toby Hutcheon, Executive Director of Queensland Conservation (QCC)

‘It is becoming increasingly clear that old king coal is not wearing any clothes.’

A growing number of astute observers and members of the community have been

questioning and challenging both the validity and scheduling of clean coal technology

for years. Yesterday, the Rudd Government’s own

Carbon Capture and Storage


joined that challenge. It concluded that clean coal was not commercially

viable and only worked if Government subsidised its development ‘on a field of

dreams’ basis.

‘Challenging the value of so called clean coal started as a protest became a clamour

and is now becoming a community movement. It’s-the-old-king-coal-is-not-wearing-

any-clothes-movement.’ said Hutcheon

Queensland environment organisations support a phase out of coal production in

Queensland, on the condition that it takes place alongside a just transition for

workers in affected industries here and overseas.

‘It’s time for Government to recognise that coal represents the past, and construct a

new agenda based upon renewable energy and green jobs for the future.’

For More Info: Toby Hutcheon  07 3221 0188/0419 664 503

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