New Ena Board Confirms Energy Networks As Key Link To A Clean Energy Future

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18th November 2008, 08:44pm - Views: 957

New ENA Board confirms energy networks as key link to a clean
energy future

Energy Networks Association (ENA) has announced the re-appointment of Mr George Maltabarow, Managing Director of EnergyAustralia as its Chairman. Mr Maltabarow is now into his second year of a two year term. Mr Maltabarow said he is looking forward to continuing to lead the Association, and in supporting its work on ensuring energy networks are the key link to a clean energy future.

"Since its inception in 2004, ENA has successfully represented Australia's gas and electricity network businesses in tackling the many challenges of our ever-changing energy industry, including energy market and regulatory reform, and climate change. The impact of regulation, the challenge and adoption of new energy technologies and the importance of securing Australia's energy future remain key policy issues for ENA", Mr Maltabarow said.

"The ENA Board of Directors and the Secretariat continue to address and bring new, fresh perspectives to the many challenges our sector faces. Our focus on 'smartnetworks' also demonstrates that ENA is looking to the business environment drivers for energy networks over the next 10 to 20 years."

In addressing the issue of the potential impacts of the global financial crisis on Australia's third highest construction activity sector, Mr Maltabarow stated: "Recent developments in international debt markets have demonstrated that globally, access to investment capital is becoming more expensive. This will require a renewed focus on the need for the regulatory investment environment to foster stability and predictability in a framework that recognizes the long asset lives of network infrastructure."

Mr Maltabarow has degrees in electrical engineering and economics and is also a member of the Australian Energy Market Commission's Reliability Panel.

Mr Shane Breheny, Chief Executive, CitiPower and Powercor, was re-elected ENA Deputy Chairman. Mr Breheny has a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) degree from RMIT and is a Fellow of the ASCPA and AIM. He is a Director of the Energy Supply Association of Australia (ESAA). He is also an Executive Board member of the Committee for Geelong, a Director of LifeFlight Pty Ltd and Chairman of AquaTower Pty Ltd.

Board members, Mr Paul Adams, CEO Jemena; Mr Kevin Murray, Managing Director and Chief Executive TransGrid and Mr John Devereaux, GM Network Aurora Energy have also been re-elected to the Board. Other members of the Board are Mr Hugh Gleeson, CEO United Energy/Multinet Gas; Mr Andrew Staniford, Commercial Manager Envestra and Mr Terry Effeney, CEO ENERGEX.

Energy Networks Association is the peak national body representing gas and electricity distribution, and electricity transmission businesses throughout Australia.

Andrew Blyth, Chief Executive can be contacted on 0408 977758

Source: Energy Networks Association

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