Minister To Open National Energy Conference

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6th November 2009, 09:30am - Views: 1153

Press Release 

Friday Oct 5

Minister to open national conference on regional Australia’s energy future

Victoria’s Minister for Energy and Earth Resources, Peter Batchelor, will open a

major national conference on rural and regional Australia’s energy future in Bendigo

on Sunday.

The conference addresses the urgent need for rural and regional areas to address their

energy futures.

It features 47 speakers including national, state and international players - researchers,

companies and investors - in the electricity and transport industries. Included are

leaders in the fields of solar, wind and geothermal power generation and energy

distribution and monitoring, plus transport. Subjects rang from coal gasification to

printable solar cells, to technology that allows consumers to switch off during peak

tariff periods and more. 

The Premier of Victoria, John Brumby, will address the conference dinner on


Joint organisers, the City of Greater Bendigo and the Centre for Sustainable Regional

Communities at La Trobe University’s Bendigo campus, said the conference was

timely with a recent Business Council of Australia report on infrastructure reform

signalling that Australia’s electricity industry faced the biggest challenge of all major

sectors needing reform.


City of Greater Bendigo Cr Keith Reynard said rural and regional areas could benefit

by measuring their energy consumption and assessing the viability of generating

power locally. He said the conference was especially geared for local governments

and regional business planners and developers as well as local industry and

manufacturers who could benefit from energy reform.

People Feature City Of Greater Bendigo 2 image

“This conference is about explaining how our electricity and energy grid is about to

change. New technologies will change the way we generate, deliver, use and monitor

our energy.” 

The Director of the Centre for Sustainable Regional Communities at La Trobe

University’s Bendigo campus, Prof John Martin, said regional cities and rural areas

could no longer afford to bury their heads in the sand about energy generation and


“Those who become part of the smart grid and adopt and adapt will have greater

pulling power when it comes to attracting business and residents,” Prof Martin said.

Mr Batchelor will officially open the conference in Bendigo’s Capital Theatre at

6.30pm Sunday. The conference concludes at 4.45pm Tuesday.

Media contacts:

Cr Keith Reynard, City of Greater Bendigo 0428 581198

Prof John Martin, Director, Centre for Sustainable Regional Communities 0421


To arrange media interviews with speakers and to attend the conference dinner,

contact Genevieve Barlow 0427 762633   

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