Lp Gas - Clean Energy For A Low Carbon World

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27th May 2008, 11:28am - Views: 962

Conservation Energy World LP Gas Association 1 image

LP Gas - Clean Energy for a Low Carbon World

PARIS, May 27 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


         - 21st World LP Gas Forum - Seoul, 24-26th September 2008

    The 21st World LP Gas Forum takes place in Seoul, Korea from 24-26th September 2008 under

the theme 'LP Gas - Clean Energy for a Low Carbon World'. The theme demonstrates the LP Gas

industry commitment to help combat climate change, together with the global community.

Governments, industry and civic society from all over the world will meet and exchange ideas on

the role that LP Gas plays in the global energy mix as well as market dynamics, innovation and

opportunities for LP Gas today.

    The Forum is honoured to announce the participation of key-note speakers including: Mr. Yoon-

Ho Lee, Minister of Knowledge Economy, Republic of Korea, Mr. Ian Noble, Senior Climate Change

Specialist at the World Bank, Mr. Hyun-Soon Lee, President of Hyundai Motor Company and Dr.

Kwang-Kyu Kang, Director of the Korea Environment Institute.

    A Global Technology Conference (GTC) that brings some 50 experts together to present in three

parallel streams covering Global Autogas Developments, Operations Technology and Applications

Innovation is also a feature. The exhibition is the unique showcase for key LP Gas companies

wishing to display their technology, first class equipment, and services under one roof.

    About the World LP Gas Forum

    The World LP Gas Forum is recognized as the premium annual global event in the LP Gas

industry, regularly attracting up to 700 attendees and hundreds of external visitors from over 50

countries. It is the place to meet LP Gas Industry stakeholders, including government, policy

    About WLPGA http://www.worldlpgas.com

    WLPGA is the global voice of the LP Gas industry. It's primary aim is to add value to the sector,

while promoting compliance to good business and safety practices. It brings together companies

involved in one, several or all activities of the industry, develops partnerships with international

organizations and implements projects on local and global scales. WLPGA was established in 1987

and granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council in


    The World LP Gas Association (WLPGA) has partnered with Coolearth in order to mitigate the

carbon impact from the air travel of all Forum delegates to secure rainforest and sustain livelihoods.


    Neasa NiLiathain, nniliathain@worldlpgas.com, +33-1-58-05-28-05

    Dominique Baumgartner dominique@interlinks.fr, +33-1-46-33-76-28

Conservation Energy World LP Gas Association 2 image

  SOURCE:  World LP Gas Association



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