Last Chance To Be Part Of Australia's Energy Future

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24th July 2008, 02:07pm - Views: 922
Last chance to be part of Australia's energy future

Time is running out for young Australians to take up the challenge of reshaping the nation's energy future.

Tell us how we get there and have a chance to win significant cash prizes.

The Warren Centre's National Energy Essay Competition closes in one month and is offering cash prizes of up to $20,000.

With the support of the national media, the competition will stimulate a new level of debate on where Australia is going - led by those who are going to help make things happen.

The time is right for the next generation to respond to the Garnaut Review, the Federal Government's proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and the framework our political leaders propose for the future.

Over 160 young Australian's have already registered either as individuals or in teams - to take up the challenge.

You need to have been under 31 at 30th June 2008 and an Australian citizen or
permanent resident to join them.

All you need to know is on the competition web site at

Register now - entries close on 22nd August 2008.

Media contact:
Malcolm Boyd
(Manager NEEC)
0412 797 479
[email protected]

Interviews can be arranged with competition registrants, members of the organising team, judging panel and sponsors

Platinum Sponsors: Babcock & Brown Power/Wind Partners and Sumitomo Australia.

Gold Sponsors: Alstom, Delta Electricity, Tyree, Tenix.

Silver Sponsors: Ampcontrol, Australian Centre for Innovation, Energex, Middletons and Queensland Gas Company.

The Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering is an independent, industry-lined not-for profit institute within the University of Sydney. It has fostered excellence and innovation in advanced engineering throughout Australia for the past 25 years.

SOURCE: The Warren Centre
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