Kema Achieves 48% Profit Growth In 2008

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KEMA Achieves 48% Profit Growth in 2008

ARNHEM, Mar. 11 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    - Favorable Market for Energy Consulting, Testing and Certification


    KEMA has realized continued growth in sales and results over 2008. Global

developments in energy, like the transition to sustainable energy and a

stronger international position, pushed net sales by 13.3% to EUR 226.7

million (2007: EUR 200.1 million). Autonomous sales growth increased to

15.2%, while net profit rose by 48.1% to EUR 16.6 million (2007: EUR 11.2

million) as a result of higher sales and continued improvement of operating

processes. As in 2007, all business units contributed to this growth, which

occurred in both the Dutch and the international offices.

    Major developments in 2008

    KEMA's growth strategy again proved successful in 2008. Autonomous

growth, both in the Netherlands and internationally, contributions by new

offices and acquisitions, and continued professionalization boosted the

operating result by 66.8% to EUR 15.9 million. The cost level was marginally

higher than in 2007. In spite of the economic recession, the markets in which

KEMA operates did not show any significant slowdown. Particularly the

operations in the U.S. grew strongly (sales up by 22%). The number of FTEs at

the end of 2008 increased by 13.4% to 1,751 (end of 2007: 1,544). For the

first time in KEMA's 80-year history, the firm's international staff

outnumbered its Dutch staff. Its development in 2007 and 2008 earned KEMA a

nomination for the prestigious King Willem I Award in 2008.

    Global energy consulting operations benefited from the strong emphasis on

transition to sustainable energy, strict environmental targets and

regulations, and new technology like 'smart grids' and 'smart metering'.

Moreover, there was a strong demand worldwide for services relating to

electric power generation and optimization of obsolete energy plant and


    KEMA continues to play a prominent role in the field of testing and

certification in the high-voltage and medium-voltage sectors. Developments

like the installation of ultra-high-voltage lines in China and a strong

demand for third-party certificates in the Middle East had a favorable

effect. The low-voltage sector also developed positively. The clear trend

towards global testing and certification standards, and the strong focus on

health, safety and the environment had a positive impact. This also applies

to the continued internationalization of manufacturers, retailers and

wholesalers of electrical appliances and components.


    In 2008, KEMA continued to invest in innovation. It commissioned its new

Flex Power Grid Lab, while further optimizing and integrating internal

innovation processes into the organization. Concrete results of these efforts

include successful projects and services in the area of electric transport,

energy storage, 'smart grids' and 'smart metering', 'green buildings',

certification of LED lighting, ultra-high-voltage level testing and

sustainable energy. KEMA also further developed services promoting innovation

in client organizations, such as support to energy companies in their energy

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transition process.


    In the past year, KEMA continued to invest in growth and

internationalization. A new office was opened in Lisbon and two companies,

Northeast Inspection Services, Inc. (NISI) and RLW Analytics, were acquired

in the U.S. Existing offices were able to expand and reinforce their

positions, like in the United Arab Emirates, Germany, Spain and the U.S.

Construction of a new high-voltage laboratory - the world's biggest

commercially operating high-voltage lab - was close to completion. KEMA also

invested in other test facilities in the Netherlands and abroad, like the

moving and expansion of the Shanghai lab. Substantial investments were also

made in staff training and processes relating to project and account

management and finance. In spite of these investments, KEMA managed to

further reinforce its financial position.

    Comment by Pier Nabuurs, KEMA CEO:

    'Last year was a good one for KEMA. Not only because we continued to

improve our results, but also because we reinforced our market position. In

2008 again, we clearly noticed that major global players are calling in our

expertise for increasingly more complex projects; not only international

energy utilities or producers, but also government bodies. However, the

economic recession has intensified and we too will experience an impact.

Nevertheless, our focus for 2009 is still on continued growth.'

    Financial summary (figures in millions of euros)

    Profit and loss account            2008       2007 Movement (%)

    Net sales                         226.7      200.1        13.3%

    Operating result (EBIT)            15.8        9.5        66.8%

    Net result                         16.6       11.2        48.1%

    Balance sheet                      2008       2007 Movement (%)

    Total                               133      112.4        18.3%

    Shareholders' equity               64.9       49.6        30.9%

    Net liquidities                    27.2       27.8        -2.2%

    Ratios                             2008       2007     Movement

    Net margin                         7.3%       5.6%            -

    Return on shareholders' equity    25.6%      22.6%            -

    Return on capital invested        42.2%      49.6%            -

    Solvency                          49.7%      44.9%            -

    Workforce (FTEs at year end)      1,751      1,544        13.4%


    Fundamental developments in the area of energy and testing and

certification are promising for KEMA's activities. However, the current

global economic situation is unprecedented and will likely affect KEMA as

well. At this point, KEMA cannot predict its potential impact on the future

results. Nonetheless, KEMA believes it is right on target in continuing its

successful implementation of the strategy launched in 2007.

    The forecast of continued growth assumes unchanged accounting principles

and stable exchange rates, and excludes special items and unforeseen


    About KEMA

provider operating globally in the energy chain and specializing in

high-quality services in the field of business & technical consultancy,

operational support, measurements & inspections and testing & certification.

As an independent organization, KEMA provides consultancy and support to both

government bodies and manufacturers, suppliers and end-users of energy.

Moreover, KEMA certifies products, systems and individuals for a wide range

of clients. KEMA employs 1,800 professionals in 20 countries worldwide.

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    Source: KEMA

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