Growing With The Sun

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7th October 2010, 09:59am - Views: 1178

Conservation Energy FLABEG Holding GmbH 1 image

Conservation Energy FLABEG Holding GmbH 2 image


Growing With the Sun

NUREMBERG, Germany and NEW DELHI, Oct. 6 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    - Best Solar Technologies to Support India's Increasing Energy Demand

    For its rapidly growing economic development India needs stable energy

supply. Thus it is also looking closely at the technologies of the future,

such as solar power. FLABEG, the internationally acclaimed leading solar

expert, has an excellent proven track record in manufacturing first-class

solar mirrors.

    (Photo: )

    India has ambitious plans: 20% renewable energies by 2020. The state

budget for 2010/11 has provision for approx. US$ 1 billion for clean

technologies. Furthermore, a new "National Clean Energy Fund" is being set up

to finance projects and research. It is also India's target to reduce CO2

emissions by 20-25% relative to economic performance by 2020. Especially for

India the greenhouse effect could have dramatic consequences, since according

to various experts it will be affected more than average.

    India has decided to exploit its high potential for solar energy with its

Government's "Solar Mission" program. The Ministry for New and Renewable

Energy (MNRE) estimates the cost at approx. US$ 20 billion over the next 30


    Concentrating solar power (CSP) plants, especially parabolic trough

technology, maximize solar power production. The technology works by using

large mirrors to reflect the sun onto a fluid that is turned into steam and

runs a steam turbine, producing electricity. The mirrors have to reflect the

sunbeams as accurately as possible. Only 1% difference in optical performance

can result in million dollar losses over a 20-year operating period of a 50

MW solar power plant. The performance of the mirrors depends on two factors:

reflectivity and bending. With a 30-year proven track record, German-based

manufacturer FLABEG is the world's leading supplier for high precision, high

quality reflectors for CSP applications and guarantees highest reflectivity

and long-term stability for best performance and highest value. Now FLABEG is

entering the Indian market for the first time with its presentation at the

DIREC trade fair (27th-29th Oct, New Delhi).

    India needs stable energy supply: In view of its continuing economic

growth, it is estimated that by 2017 the annual energy requirement will have

jumped to 330 GW from the current 160 GW. Stable energy supply can only be

guaranteed by means of maintaining operating reserves. CSP plants provide

this security since they generate power by day and night.

    India is a challenging market for advanced technologies. With its rapidly

expanding economy a growing proportion of its energy requirements can be met

by the ever-present sunshine.

    FLABEG, founded in 1882, is an independent company with ten manufacturing

facilities in Europe, America and Asia. FLABEG is active in the commercial

sectors of automotive mirrors, solar glass mirrors and technical glass,

Conservation Energy FLABEG Holding GmbH 3 image

specializing in all processes of glass finishing, and sets technological

standard in terms of the company's core competencies - bending and coating.


    FLABEG Holding GmbH

    Ms Kerstin K~kter

    Head of Marketing & Communication

    Waldaustr. 13

    D-90441 Nuremberg

    Ph: +49-911-96456-248

    SOURCE: FLABEG Holding GmbH

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