Free Solar Install Offer For Your Home

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17th April 2009, 01:04pm - Views: 922

Free Solar Install Offer For Your Home

Friday 17 April 2008

Media Release

Leading renewable energy systems provider NU Energy (NUE) has today announced a free solar install offer.

NU Energy is one of Australia's leading solar companies with significant capability in design, technology, installation and customer service.

The NU Energy offer of a premium solar energy package for free is available for eligible homes in all states (except WA and NT). NU Energy will provide a solar system to any householder who is approved by the Federal Government to receive the Government's $8000 solar system rebate. Essentially, the householder simply agrees that the rebate will be paid to NU Energy.

NU Energy Chief Executive Officer Simon Schauble said the offer represented NU Energy's commitment to providing Australians with the opportunity to reduce their environmental impact. "We are proud to be a leading Australian solar company able to provide everyday people with the ability to reduce the impact of long-term increases in power prices and to minimise their carbon footprint."

"NU Energy supports the strong commitment that the Australian people have to solar power and being able to do their bit for the environment."

An increasing number of Australians are making the switch to renewable energy and generate their own power through solar panels and other renewable energy technologies to reduce their energy consumption and power bills.

"The offer reinforces NU Energy's commitment to be at the forefront of the renewable energy sector", says NU Energy Chief Executive Officer Simon Schauble.

It is estimated that the NU Energy solar panels can save the average Australian household up to $180 on their annual electricity bill.

To sign up, a $2,500 deposit is required. After the system is installed and the Federal Government Rebate is paid, the deposit will be fully refunded.

NU Energy encourages interested households to take advantage of this great offer, which may end at any time.

NU Energy has been in operation for 20 years and specialises in installing integrated grid connect and remote renewable energy systems.

Terms and conditions apply to the offer. The offer is open to owner occupiers.
After installation by NU Energy, customers must connect to the grid with a smart meter through their energy retailer or distributor for an average cost of $450. Installation charges may apply for non-standard installations. Go to for full details on the Federal Government Rebate. Note Federal Government eligibility criteria applies.

For further information and full terms and conditions visit .

NU Energy will be hosting sign up days for this offer on Saturday 18 April 2009 from 9- 4pm in Melbourne, Sydney and Hobart. The details as follows:

NU Energy Warehouse, Melbourne
Suite 11, 10 Lakewood Boulevard
Carrum Downs Vic 3201

NU Energy Stand
Entertainment Quarter, Village Markets
122 Lang Road,
Moore Park, NSW 2021

NU Energy Warehouse, Hobart
46 Effingham Street,
Moonah, Tasmania 7009


For Media enquiries only:
NU Energy Chief Executive Officer, Simon Schauble 0400 356 419


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